What did you do today?

I took advantage of the cool (39 degrees F) but good weather and rode into work, about 52 minutes one way. Witnessed one of the more beautiful sunrises I have seen in quite some time. This bike is so smooth, I just wanted to keep going. It was a nice way to get the day started. :+1:t2:


I went downtown this morning to run some errands, then came home, made a nice cup of London Fog tea, and did some system maintenance on the desktop system. Nothing earth-shattering, just an overall connection check, re-cabled a couple of devices just to tighten up the cable plant, and lifted a couple things that were no longer really needed. Looks better, I think.

Yes, the SP200 has gone to spares. It wasn’t being used anymore, so it was time. The U2 Pro came forward as well and is now an actual part of the skyline. I’ll be good with this for a while. A solid setup, for sure.


Nice tidying!! :wink:

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saw a podiatrist about my feet and he told me I have hallux rigidus in addition to my plantar fascitis. addressing the hr hopefully will alleviate w number of other issues.


Off work day, wanted some time to relax. had my favorite meal then headed straight for a walk in nature. Took some great shots too




Woke up to a wailing 2 year old, found her in the crib with throw-up all over herself and pillow and bedding and some toys.
After showering her and new jammies… threw up again.
Shampooed carpet, a period of no-jammies just in case while I rinsed multiple blankets and sheets etc and got them into the washing machine
Some minor throw-ups afterward, one not in the provided bowl… I think brushing her teeth triggered some of the repeat throw ups (still using swallow toothpaste) so I just brushed her teeth with water no toothpaste the last time…

Just gave her the all clear, new set of jammies, pillow improvised by a pillow case around a folded blanket, bow just in case. Poor sweety’s going to have had a completely empty stomach for a while when breakfast rolls around.

Poor thing. She took it all like a champ. I had all the same foods as her tonight so I wonder what caused it.


Today I had a very challenging, but also a very busy day. For the past few months now, I have been in the process of repairing my car. All the parts were already bought, but I couldn’t get them to work together. I have been trying for a long time to find a special adapter that would allow me to install the right firmware and thanks to ecutools.eu I managed to find such an adapter. But even with this adapter the installation did not work the first time. But the main thing is that I succeeded and closed the issue that had been open for several months.

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Sorry for the kiddo. That’s not pleasant for us at an older age, let alone when she can’t fully understand why it’s happening by herself. That sucks and hope she feels better soon!


Man, I really feel you, I had very similar case yesterday with our 4yo girl. She also took it like a champ, even willingly gave up sleeping with her favourite teddy bears just in case she would throw up on them and they would need to get washed. She is so smart for her age :heart:
I swear this virus just waited for a moment we finally got everything cleaned up to make her vomit again on those new blankets :sob:

I would take cold/flu any day of the week over those stomach adeno- or rotavirus, they simply fuck me up. Or rather my girl, as she is so pumped up after one day like that

Wish you both strength! :pray:


Jeez, sorry about the rough times, brother, I know the pain. Luckily, we haven’t had a night like that in a little while with my son but of course, I’m jinxing it now so it’ll happen tonight most likely :smiling_face_with_tear:

Good luck and I hope the little one is feeling better today!


The next day she was completely ok! I was so happy for her. Thanks for the words Dom!


Kids are weird like that. Our youngest granddaughter has had three rounds of something this winter already. The first two were a day and back to normal, but round three has been down to a cough at night for a week now.


I need to come back in here and say this premonition came true today, I swear on everything. My son, last night, started to cough up a storm with sniffles and this morning, he has a nasty cough with lots of mucus. He’s in good spirits though! His asthma acts up this time of year so he has a hard time kicking coughs for weeks on end sometimes.

Anyway - Crazy thing that this came true!


Watched the sun go down from the stern of the barge, finally it’s stopped raining :tada:


so today was another “go to class then go home” boring day for me but after i finished the class, the weather was just so tempting that i couldn’t just go home and waste it. knowing the the yalda night (a tradition in my country) is coming soon, decided to drive to a temporarily made festival in one of my hometowns park to celebrate the yalda night.

the sky isn’t white/gray btw my phones night mode makes it gray looking.


Thanks for sharing! Some tasty food and a very clean looking city.

Is Yalda related to the winter solstice?

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thank you :heart:

yes, yalda is to celebrate the longest night of the year due to the way earth is tilted and when the sun shines directly and at an angle of 90 degrees to the tropic of Capricorn.
at night families gather to have some pomegranates, watermelon and nuts then they wish for the best upon the rest of the year.
its an excuse to be together and i feel like it gonna die out soon - is dying actually- because of the shitty modern culture that is being feed to us that wont accept “families” in the traditional form anymore and focuses toward a vague “loneliness and solitude”.


Today was a mix of the usual and a dash of excitement. Started off with the typical work grind, but later, I decided to unwind with some gaming. Spent a good chunk of time on Joker123 – what a blast! The variety of slots kept me hooked, and I even managed to score some wins, which added an extra layer of fun to my day. Overall, a pretty great day, and Joker123 definitely played a starring role in making it memorable!

I smoked a ham today. Last year my wife got a pellet grill as my Christmas and B-day gift, and it has been amazing. Today I smoked a decent size ham, then grilled some pineapple to go with it.

I still think my favorite item to smoke is a pork loin, you can get a these for under $2 a pound, and they come out moist. I just slice them and serve with your favorite vegetable, and the leftovers can get cubed and used with most Asian flavor combos. I regularly smoke around a 5lb loin, and can feed the seven people at my house for a few days with it.


My Christmas gift was this InsantPot sous vide setup. I had a small spiral cut ham, so I decided to cook it today.

I am going to pick up some steak to cook with this either Tues. or Wed.