What did you do today?

I went looking and found the photo. Not sure how I missed it. Congrats! I’m looking forward to homecoming pics, though!

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Lol, it’s just that my current house have people around like my grandparents and my family (total 4 including me live). Loud talking, loud phone and other crap.

The home one is a relatively newly built apartment where most units are still empty but bought so it’s very quiet there.

The guitar I ordered arrived today. Then I learned how to play Smoke on the Water’s riff lol, a long way to go still


Work Lol. Still waiting on my beyer test to all come in. 250 ohm vs black vs 600 ohm vs all with tygr filter vs mix match of different dekoni pad. So far got one in. Meanwhile trying to see if I can pad swap amiron in a good way

I woke up. Does that count as doing something?

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Your post is old, but i checked this trailer out and instantly loved the jungle / experimental sounddtrack. Completely my thing. Checkled out the game aswell, not so much in these types of shooters, but the demo was pretty fun and engaging. Might check the full game aswell in the future :smiley:

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I have been watching videos lately about the Mafia in regards of their history, their dealings, on how they run things and the life of being part of that life for I got curious and needed some knowledge from time to time, for I am a bit of a fan of history of myself. Of course in order to get some legit sources involving the cosa nostra, I have to take information from Michael Franzese aka a former-mob boss or a caporegime, who pretty much dealt with that line of work for most of his life and man the information and speeches that he gives about it, pretty much piques my interest about it more.

I am not saying I wanted to be one for that is impossible for me to begin with since I do not have a form of Italian blood within me, plus I don’t want to commit crimes since jail sucks, it is just that interesting when you are learning something about it from a person who knows it all well, from a perspective where you can be open-minded about it and removes the biasness towards it.

I had a random thought that my ball-and-stick model of phenylalanine would be usable as a headphone stand. It kind of works? Nice and secure + I can wrap the cable around two hydrogens.


Today i watched this over and over and over.


I just watched Zappa. Documentary on the musical genius Frank Zappa by Alex Winter (Bill of Bill & Ted fame). Overall it’s done with quite a reverential attitude (Alex is a huge Zappa fan) though it doesn’t stray into fawning territory as it does portray his character flaws but doesn’t particularly dwell on them.

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Today after less than 3 weeks I finally finished the Swiss Army refresher course and became a civilian again.
Apart from my comrades, I will not miss much.
At the beginning of next summer, however, I will have to move back in if this is not canceled by Corona.

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Added a couple more stands and did some rearranging. I tried to do a little better job of separating out power cables as well. I use the snap clips for my headphone cables and decided to glue 2 to the desk for routing extra cable and then just use the ones on my headphones cables to snap them in.

I found the goofy clown in a lost bag of Christmas tree ornaments and decided to keep with the tradition of having one desk chachkie my wife finds ugly :joy:. I replaced the ugly troll carving I found in a box in my dads garage. It’s from the 60’s and made in Norway. Next year I say I start the ‘creepy troll on the shelf’ tradition?


That doll looks cursed foo, watch out

looks 'armless to me but who knows :man_shrugging:

it looks like a disfigured wookie with no arms.

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He bent his wookie

T-Rex arms no doubt

I think that’s a leprechaun.

Edit: I should read before writing.

Are leprechauns popular in Norway lore?

No, but dwarfs are.

Dwarfs in Nordic folklore are usually described as old men with long beards. Source: Dwarf (mythology)