What did you do today?

Finished cleaning and seasoning the cast iron skillet my mom bought years ago for its “nice looks”


It cooked some eggs and bacon


All sorts of leather cleaning, conditioning and restoration going on today…


5k meters on my new Concept 2 Model E rower. Same as the one at the gym… the gym I hadn’t gone to in 10 months. I’m so out of shape. Kicked my ass, but hey I’m back at it again. 25 minutes for the 5k and then five minutes cool down.


Doc Martens, those antifa boots! lol


Christ almighty, best audio forum on the internets.

Coughing up covid right now. :joy:

I also own proper JBT (jack booted thug) boots. These are for when I’m styling…:joy: you know, with my current 1776 style Covid hair and all :crazy_face:


The beautiful thing about leather is that if you take just a little bit of time and show it some love and care, it can be brought back to life and give you decades of joy and happiness!
The top piece I am holding looked like shit an hour ago, now the newer piece below it looks old and beat in comparison…


My right speaker developed a rattle again, after checking out the other ilouds problem thread I found out it was probably the grill loosening up. Today when it woke up with the rattle I decided to remove the grill to see if it helped. And fully gone. Not a hint of that pesky noise. While I was at it I taped up the blue light from the left speaker and wow I helped. You can still kinda see it even thru the black tape tho lol. But it’s much better now. A esthetically it looks better now oo only issue is taking it to places without the grills

Next? Somehow covering up my most hated hiby r5 light. Lights up my entire room at night


I really dislike clutter because I go nuts. Finally drilled holes thru my desk to put my cables thru! And taped the cables to the bottom of the table. Was quite easy and I’m happy with the results


I drove 6 hours through snow and sleet to visit an old dear friend for his 50th birthday. I then presented him w/his first decent Headphone rig, everything to include the cables. All he had to do is plug it into a computer. We spent a good 2 hours talking about Equipment, what differences he was hearing from his usual cheap iphone earbuds, discussing music and genuinely enjoying ourselves.
I managed to get some inexpensive chi-fi components integrated into a pretty good sounding little set-up along with a practically new set of SHP9500s.
I did my good friend deed for the weekend and hopefully suckered him into the same little hole i fell into a few years ago…hehehe😈


Had my first Covid vaccine jab today :syringe::+1:


Congrats! My mom went then didnt take it. I am livid as ive left my house about 5 times since march and i would of killed for my jab.


Nothing too exciting really here. Cleaned out my old Galaxy S8 of any useless files/ apps and loaded it up with all my FLAC files. I also decided to make use of my old iPod classic and built an audio brick (don’t see the need to buy a new dap at the moment). Felt like a kid again making sci-fi like gadgets with random stuff around the house. I want to snag the FiiO usb c to micro usb cable and fasten that on as well, but will be difficult and still make it detachable. The port on the S8 is very shallow and so almost every cord comes detached very easily (that is why is don’t use my hip dac on the go), so not sure how to keep it on there without tape. This is intended to be used around the house and is more a fun thing because I was bored tonight.


KEXP is the best🤘


I disocver so much new music from that station and they have some pretty great themed segments!

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Finally finished my latest pc build. Those in the rant thread will know almost every part of it fought me. Cpu cooler had wrong parts in the box, built in io shields are a pia to get in right, right angle connectors, my case and cables just not meshing to name a few. But now my bf2 and rnhp have a spot as well.

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I got vaccine shot 1 of 2, only 3 weeks more. Im hoping i can go to my friends wedding now. I think it should be moved but its not my wedding sooooo


Flowers :smiley:

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You got chipped! hearing any strange reverb from your gear ?