What did you do today?

I cleaned this fucking disaster

And turned it into this

Now just to finish the rrest of the room I’ve been putting off for like 2 weeks…


I am also working on cleaning up my house. At least I love organizing.

I dont mind organizing for the most part, I just have a tiny tiny room so I have no where to stage anything whilr I clean which makes it incredibly hard I grabbed a 4ft folding table from a roommate to use this time, but it takes up an easy 1/2 my open floor space even as is

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Most of the time my organizing is putting all the stuff to one corner or the hallway, taking inventory, then slowly sorting it all out and refilling the room. During this i just have an industrial lawn trash bag and i dont hesitate tossing things out. Have i not used it in years? Does it have no relevance? Can it be condensed into a smaller footprint? Toss it!

Purging and a deep dusting at the same time and you feel so much better once youre done


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whoaaa :scream_cat:


now it’s an organized disaster

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Got my second jab today. It’s not like I ever go anywhere but now I have the option at least.


:+1::shushing_face: welcome to the HFGF meet this way lol…


Left the barge to go to work this morning to this view :heart_eyes:


Nice lifting buddy :+1: have you tried being a bit more explosive off the floor or trained for it?

Thanks! I’m definitely working on accelerating more throughout the 1st pull. Olympic lifts are tricky because you need to be controlled and accurate throughout each position. Applying more force to the bar while maintaining control will be the one of the primary things I focus on during the next training cycle.

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Recievd yesterday this little piece for the Kitchen,:see_no_evil:.
Not bad in use and taste.


Not sure if you do Facebook buddy but this page is pretty awesome for Olympic Lifting :+1:


ATG is great. I was already subscribed to their YouTube channel so I liked the FB page. I also really like Weightlifting House.

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If El DeBarge lived on a barge, it would be epic


Finally got around to ripping a little over 20 CDs I picked up from the thrift store over the last month.


thats awesome! been meaning to get around to that myself lol

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napped. surfed reddit, posted funnies on HFG and I just finished the dishes.

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