What did you do today?

Got my first covid vaccine today, the pfizer variant. Pretty slick operation in the sense that it was basically a drive-through.

First i drove up to a man registering my arrival, then was told to drive in the left lane of a “2 lane open tent” with a closed "office in the middle, serving 2 cars at once. The shot itself was done before i managed to even think that it probably going to sting a bit :slight_smile:

Then afterwards we drove in a 20min “stop and go” queue of cars with others just taken the shot. Drove my manual Honda civic, so it was a bit of a hassle, since they release one car at the time…but the reason is that they want to observe you for 20min in case of an allergic reaction. There where healthcare personnel walking between the cars checking in on us, where we showed a thumbs up if we where ok, and to honk the horn if not.

Only thing i notice now, is that my arm is a bit sore and “tingly” - but no other distress. Hopefully i won’t get any fever or such things come the weekend :slight_smile:


I’ve both my pfizer’s and although the pfizer chiefs…

No problems here lol.

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If this is all the side effects i get, i certainly prefer a bit of a sore arm compared to the potential outcome of getting ill with Covid-19…

I have had a very strict covid-19 “regime” as my mum is on immune depressant medicine and has a few other medical issues that higher risk of serious illness if she caught Covid. Since i visit her every day to walk her dog, i wouldn’t want to be the one infecting her, so i have had quite strict social distancing and tried to take every precaution possible… She just got her second shot, so in a few days she has the full effect, and with me getting my first shot, i can finally start relaxing up my social distancing and such :slight_smile:

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Well for the last few days actually…we’ve been starting our 2 week holiday moving our barge west across the UK from Berkshire through Wiltshire with no real destination and somewhat intermittent internet so getting on here has been hit 'n miss lol…here’s a few photos of the Vale of the White horse Wiltshire which has many Neolithic mounds and stone circles plus the famous 250 year old White Horse carved into the Westbury Hill side…


Very cool shots! Looks like postcards.


No just pic’s from an iPhone 8 :+1:


That looks so nice and peaceful, would love to try it at some point


Found today…I almost missed it ‘‘twas on its own on a lock landing, don’t get many Orchids in the UK but this’s a Pyramid Orchid :sunglasses:


Interesting lifestyle. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I changed the dirty air filter for a fresh one.
Also cleaned the pipes and filter area (metal / plastic) bits. Now everything looks fresh and new.

for testing new products for me.
Glass coating on front and side windows + mirrors.
also Nanolex Reactivating Glass Cleaner on rear/trunk glass.
Nice to see how they work and last.


Well today I was supposed to play pick-up basketball after work but turns out the outdoor court was wet and I was pretty much alone at that time.

Well instead of doing nothing, I did Iron Wolf’s Burpees Workout routine, not going to lie it was a tough workout to finish, so tough that I had to do single pump burpees, instead of doing the usual progression from 1 to 5 pumps.

A good workout though and those burpees are damn effective for results.


Started out by searching how to clean a keyboard and ended up in the custom keyboard hobby. Didn’t expect to have another hobby lol.

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This reminds me i need to look at changing my cabin filter. I have to order a charcoal one then i usually put a spray or two of cologne i like on it. Keeps the car smelling good for a month or two

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I attempted to watch the Microsoft Windows 11 event just for the hell of it. I didn’t even last 10 minutes before the amount of saccharine marketing-speak made me feel like I was going to throw up.

Set my fancy powersupply to log voltage from a small solar module (while presenting a 100mA sink) to an attached USB drive.

Today, the 5 day log complete, I managed to misplace said USB drive. Or rather, it is hiding among its 10 absolutely identical companions…

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One of the accessory movements for today’s workout was 30 second weighted planks. This was my 3rd rep. It took every bit of willpower to hold it the last 10 seconds.


Veeery awesome man! Keep it up! Nice seeing excersise junkie audio peeps!

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I forgot to note here on Monday that I got my second shot! No guarantee, but WAY better than nothing.

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Steam train Bahamas passed by our barge this morning :sunglasses:


This week and lately that I have been doing to take care of myself, Burpees! nothing but burpees! Oh my god, this workout is so fucking good once you get the hang of it and not gonna’ lie the first session of me doing high rep burpees were tough, but the benefits you get from it afterwards, man! I should have done a lot of those back then when I first started working out.

I am just trying to improve steadily without hurting myself, and the latest reps that I did today would be a total of 154 reps, and I never even thought in my whole life that I will be reaching that number by doing burpees.

I thank Iron Wolf for giving me the drive to do this, and I know I am not at his level yet, but at least I am doing whatever I can to improve myself in terms of health, fitness, and mental toughness.

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