What Is happening?! M1570, M1070, M570 from Monoprice THX AAA 887 Too!

I don’t trust monoprice, call me :call_me_hand: when they deliver a headphone without issues smh

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What do you think of the headband mod? Worth it?

For me 100 percent. Went from terrible comfort to perfect. I have a very large head though.

Any change in sound and how did you replace the yolk, since it’s not really a direct fit. Curious if you went about replacing it a different way.

I think it increased the bass a fair amount but it’s hard to know for certain without a stock set to ab. The mod for mine was very simple. I simply elongated the yoke holes vertically using a dremel and small stone. After that I was able to re use the stock pivot pins off the stock yokes. Very simple mod and allows the factory stops using the pin with dowel. I really wish I took post dremel photos but I kinda just did them one at a time and worked at them till the pins were a snug fit. Overall mod took about 45 minutes to complete.

The overall fit is much nicer for me. The contact patch is the whole leather strap essentially. The clamp force is actually a little stronger then I would like but it’s not uncomfortable.

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I wish I had a dremel, I had to drill the yolk whole bigger and used jb weld for the pivot pins, hopefully it lasts.

If not and it’s in the budget you could just get a pair of replacement yokes and give it another go. A cheap Amazon dremel would do the trick. A little chunk of change but if your into modding things a dremel is the shit.

New Zeos video about the Aeon X and he mentioned the m1570’s, said they were “monsters”. we’ll should be getting a m1570 and 1070 review shortly.

The Aeon X was also added to the Hifiguides tool as recommended, but the M1070 and M1570 were not :thinking::thinking:

Also they screwed it up somehow too

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The m570’s at it’s core is metallic sounding but not in a bad way. It’s normal for audio equipment to have a metallic, plastic, or wooden texture to it’s sound based off of how their built. Every headphone I ever owned or heard is like that.They out of stock at Monoprice, so things must be working out alright.

It’s more based on the type of driver used and the tuning of the headphone, not really the build imo

I don’t know technically, but just what I be hearing . The m560 is metallic in a bad way. Worse headphone I own or ever heard.

I can agree with that, they didn’t do a good job of a coherent tuning and controlling timbre

And it ain’t got noooooo! bass.

I listened to it then went back to the m570…muh lawd the difference.

i was under the impression the enclosure will be part of the tuning. ZMF headphones get slight difference in sound depending on wood used.

Yeah zmf will or the fostex wood cans will as well, but it will be different than just timbre and on most headphones that’s not going to be the case unless they were designed to interact with the wood to change sound

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So as a followup, just like the other open back in ear planers it appears that the m350, the new model is in need of eq as well. So still might pick one up due to no isines anymore, but still a bummer :frowning:

So why are people insta-sending the 1570 back lol? Something is amiss.