Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Haha I feel a tremendous amount of pressure now. Make sure you read up on the filter mod too. Some people feel like it completes the sound signature and makes it more balanced. I like it as is though.

Would love to know how the bass compares to the Xenns and Zen when you get it!

@nymz where’s your screenshot ?

Mest first, bro

You should! If it’s not at least better than the Tea, you’ll never hear the end of it. :wink:

You got it. You might have to remind me tho. :slight_smile:

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I remembered HBB did a video on it already…

I took your word for it… They have arrived…


Gorgeous picture. And that’s an awesome stain/pattern

Hbb is wrroonngggg

Yeah, bought these on your rec and I’m quite horrified. These have the same kick/slam the MEST MKII have and a very similar presentation to the MEST MKII with less imaging but better coherency. These might just be the answer to the budget IEM for metal. Maybe these didn’t play nice for HBB but these already sound very impressive for the price point for my library.

I might be becoming a Unique Melody fanboy.


Oh lord. When you said horrified my heart sank.

I haven’t listened to any of my other iems since getting them. I also haven’t had the itch to buy any other iems.

Except the Legend Evo and Oxygen. But those were already on my list before getting the 3DT.

If it’s one thing I learned from the Mest, it’s that for pure listening enjoyment… Sometimes less imaging is better. Glad ya like them. You introduced me some phenomenal iems and I’m glad to return the favor.

ahem @nymz



I was asking myself is MEST is necessary with these. OMG!

I have kinda settled that the MEST MKII is the king for metal, but after hearing these, I wasn’t expecting them to be nearly as impressive as they are. I’m a lover of dynamic drivers and I always thought having multiple in one IEM might be incredible. The FH5s did not impress me at all and I kinda gave up on the dream until you suggested these. I was interested in them but when BGGAR’s review came out and he wasn’t impressed, I skipped them. I am very happy you suggested them because if my opinions continue after doing some A/B testing, these will be recommended for metal, which I really had no recommendation for in this price range.

@Xkairos_hxc Thank YOU for the rec! :wink:


I would like a nice Metal (genre) IEM that is not a hybrid… but why could it not just be a more plain design. It is tempting even with it being very far outside my tastes in looks. Though 3DD is right up my alley in driver configs.

UM 3DT is different sound signature and tuning from the Teas, judging from the graphs, right?


So shouldn’t be a which-is-better scenario I assume? Just curious which tier would the 3DT go with your ranking @Resolution

Interesting… I would love to hear about your A/B with the Teas @Resolution

The graphs are all over the place. I was looking at them tonight. It’s kinda crazy. I know the MEST graphs incorrectly but the 3DT sounds similar to the MEST to my ears. It has the same kind of slam and kick that makes the metal genre sound so damn good. Most IEMs just can’t seem to get metal right. The 3DT doesn’t have the stage and imaging the MEST MKII has but it sounds a lot more like a single dynamic with better coherency. It’s different and I really like it a lot!

That’s a great question. Before I go ahead and say anything, I need more time with them, need the honeymoon phase to die down before really making my mind up about it and I want to A/B it against other sets. I want this one to break in a bit too since it’s all dynamics, it could use some time to break-in.


I’m not a huge fan of the looks from the pics, but in person they’re much nicer. Still a bit flashy. I prefer all black or a similar style to the mest. But worth overlooking IMO.

But without shelling out $1500 these are hands down the best choice for metal. And I’ve been searching long and far for a WHILE.

And these are the closest thing to the Mest Mk II for metal that I’ve found. The kick drum reproduction, especially the impact and sense of weight, is just love.


Yea flashy is not really what I like, but honestly for the price I might just have to get a pair anyways. It will also give me a good excuse to try out musicteck as an ordering site, I case I decide to pick up the Mest MK2 later.

That’s where I got mine. And also where Resolution ordered his.

They’re on sale for $319 right now. Andrew was great to deal with. Shipping was lightning-fast. I’ll be ordering my Legend Evo from them as well.

How does the Dunu Zen compare?

The MEST MKII and now the 3DT come the closest to the Zen’s slam. If I had to rate things, the Zen has the most impact/slam of any IEM I’ve ever heard. The MEST MKII would be a 9 in comparison. It’s just not as over the top as the Zen is. Still have to compare, but the 3DT would be close to the MEST MKII. Maybe an 8 or even a 9. It slams, but I’d expect and IEM with 3 DDs to do exactly exactly that.

Listening now for a while tonight. The treble is not relaxed in this set but IMO it might sound more natural than any of my tribrids with EST drivers. It doesn’t get hash like BAs either. It’s clear and detailed. Natural DD treble baby!

This set slams! NO issues with sub bass extension either.