IEM discussion thread (Part 1)


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What do you think of the treble on the FH3? I’ve read on the FH3 posts that it is fatiguing and borderline sibilant. Is that true because that would be a no go for me? Thanks :pray:

FH3 is very inoffensive, maybe even too soft. I didn’t experience any sibilance at all. For example, Starfield/Aria I can totally see sibilance and some distaste. But not with the FH3.

If you’re fine with your 05, you’ll be fine or better with the FH3. They have similar peaks, but the FH3 is actually softer in the upper-range–closer to 03.

figured i’d give my experience with fh3

the stock wide bore tips do get borderline for me (more upper-mids/treble, bit less mid bass).
the other included/stock standard bore tips they come with should be good (those and KZ starline strike a great balance for me).
and if you know you’re into a slightly darker tuning, then something like the Final E tips should work well. Final E tips are too dark/too bassy for me.
Not sure why but the FH3 seems to have a lot of sensitivity to bore diameter and insertion depth.

if you’re good with graphs this can probably give you good idea of what the tips will do:

this measurement by banbeu is likely medium bore tips, in my experience (smoother 3k-8k) -

and crinacle’s measurement is what you should get with a wider bore (peakier after 2.5k and emphasizes the ~5.5khz) -

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You got the 3DT?
How are they sounding and are they worth the money?

Yes. My impressions are causing a stir over in this thread. I don’t wish to pollute this one.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Don’t you own one? Everyone here does. It sounds amazing



Show me yours LOL


I’m shy.



No seriously who is going to buy that one?

I mean it is TRN come on


It looks like bananas.


The worst part is that it sounds bad, lol.

They do look weird, and shiny

I am looking forward to reading your thoughts on them :grin:

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Oops then I am not interested :expressionless:

I wouldn’t be surprised even if that one has some QC issues. TRN is banned brand, for me.


But it is gold… Lol
Just kidding

Don’t. You might be disappointed. :slight_smile:


Of course not… TRN really… :sweat_smile:

LOL I also saw bananas first

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