Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Ha ha! It’s a great thing I took the photo then.

The Monarch is still considerably larger. Photo coming…


That is really great to know!

As long as your happy with them, and you feel comfortable wearing them. I think the size of them won’t be an issue for you.

This is why I had to skip it…

Indeed, and I do appreciate that!

Tbh they look the same size to me :thinking:

The Monarch and Clairvoyance are both ever so slightly too large for my left ear. They both slowly make their way out of my ear while I’m listening with them. I believe it has nothing to do with the nozzle of the shell but how the body if the IEM does not fir properly with the rest of my ear shape.

Totally. The 3DT fits me but I am spoiled with the MEST MKII fit. It’s sooo good.

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U are right!

U know what I will go crazy, and will step up
MEST MKII next month maybe LOL.

I know it is crazy, but well I have spent lots of money on things I didn’t really like and I am keep doing the same mistakes with lots of gears.

I think I won’t go wrong with MEST MKII

Thank you again for all the help I do appreciate that :rose::hibiscus::blossom:


My pleasure. 3DT vs MEST MKII…


I was about to say that the size and shape kinda remind me a bit of my Oracle from your pictures. Hoping it will be as comfortable as well since the Oracle is one of the most comfortable IEMs I have.

No, it’s going to be considerably larger.

Guess I will just have to see how it feels when it arrives. So far only a few IEMs have not been great and those really only took a few days to get my ears used to them… well except etymotic that took longer to get used to.

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This just goes to show how insanely amazing the MEST MKII really is…


Incredible pics as always Resolution! If you’re still taking requests how about a size comparison with the Oracle?

Totally not because I’m hella excited and impatient for mine because they just arrived at the Chinese export customs processing

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He can’t… I own the genuine @Resolution Oracle.

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Oooooh yeah I completely forgot about that

Nevermind! haha

ROFL! Yes, yes you do! I hope you’re enjoying it.

I hope TkSilver would be kind enough to take a shot of his Oracle vs the his 3DT once it arrives. :slight_smile:

:slightly_frowning_face: probably not. I am really bad at trying to get side by side comparison shots. Nor do I really have the motivation to improve.

Also @NarrowProgram will get his before me since mine has not even shipped yet.

Yeah, that’s essentially my only big worry about the Oracle would be the fit, I have heard that the Thieaudio tribrids have really big shells especially the Clairvoyance/Monarch but the Oracle is somewhat smaller than those two. So that’s gonna be something I just hope that they’ll fit in my ears.

OK. There’s that. lol

You didn’t order from Music Teck? I get anything I order next day somehow.

The Oracle/Excalibur shells are dramatically smaller than their bigger parents.


I did order around 7-8 PM. Also I got standard shipping due to hating UPS. You are also near New Jersey where musicteck is.

Oh heck, WOW, I did not expect them to be that much smaller. Getting a lot more confidence with the fit now, especially with that footprint.

Definitely gonna take pics and make a post once I get them. Fingers crossed I’ll get them next thursday, things ordered from China on Lazada to here is 2 weeks max, I got my fiil t1 lites exactly a week after ordering