Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Does the Falcon Pro use the same tech as the Zen?

Stop the teaseā€¦ Iā€™m still considering which one to buy :joy:

Unique Melody 3D Terminator

You have chosen wisely!


When it comes to metalā€¦ Knockout!


They are both single DDā€¦ if that is the question. As for the exact driver usedā€¦ we will have to wait for the release of more info.

The Zenā€™s DD has apparently some tech in it that Iā€™m assuming gives it that unbeaten Slam different from other DDs according to the marketing at leastā€¦

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If slam is what your after the Zen pro early graphs show less bass then the Zen. I know it made more then a few of the bass heads here sad.


That and the magnets in the Zen are so powerful that the IEMs will stick together easily.

I sold my Zen thinking the Zen Pro would retain and maybe improve upon itā€™s strengths in bass slam and texture, but I immediately regretted selling the Zen and decided the Zen Pro was not even a consideration when I saw its early graph. I was hoping for better treble extension but they reduced the bass!

Itā€™s like Michael Jordan in his prime announcing heā€™s giving up basketball to follow his dream of playing professional badminton.


Truth is Iā€™m not 100% sure what I want.

I do know that I want a DD because bass slam (if Iā€™m getting the definition correct ā€˜Slamā€™ meaning the actual being able to feel the bass physically like if you were at a club or watching/playing live music) is something I really really enjoy. Do I really want it to be completely maxed out at the expense of treble? Iā€™m not sure to be honest. Perhaps if it was closer to a more complete package at the expense of a little slamā€¦ It doesnā€™t sound like a deal breaker for me.

ā€œWhy donā€™t you just get a hybrid then?ā€ (I am, butā€¦)

From the single DDā€™s Iā€™ve heard Iā€™ve noticed that I somehow really enjoy it more than the BA, hybrid and that one planar (Audeze LCDi3) IEMs in a way thatā€™s difficult to describe. Whether it is because it is more coherent or better timbre or perhaps simply just the nature of feeling the slam I canā€™t really say for sure but there was just that immediate gut sense of ā€œOoo I like thisā€ when I first heard my first DD only IEM (FD5).

Thatā€™s why itā€™s likely that I will get a single DD IEM too. Which one is the question. Iā€™m not sure I want too many of the same type of IEM.

You donā€™t have to explain why you might prefer a single DD IEM. Single DD IEMs can be awesome. Oxygen and Mele both prove that.


I am probably a bad person to ask then, while I do like collecting unique configs. I also like having multiple IEMs with the same driver, but different tunings since they bring something unique to the listening experience for me.

He did kinda do thatā€¦ well with baseball.

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I know. Probably why I made the analogy. The move to baseball was stupid but playing badminton would be even worse. I do love playing badminton though. Meh, bad analogy. I tried.

It was dumb to make the Zen Pro shittier than the Zen! :sob:

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He did go back to Basketball after though!

Gonna get that Zen back again? :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure. I bought the MEST MKII after I sold the Zen and that one purchase changed my entire outlook on the hobby. Although I absolutely love the slam and bass of the Zen, the MEST MKII is right on itā€™s heels in the slam department and does everything else better than the Zen. Like I said earlier in this thread. The Zen might be almost too much when it comes to slam while the MEST MKII is perfection.


I am hoping to get some less smoothed over treble out of the 3DT since for Metal especially EST treble works, but leaves something to be desired. And BA treble tends to kill me in Metal.

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Youā€™re going to LOVE this set then. Exactly as described. Donā€™t forget it also kicks like a mule! Best set for metal in its price range.


So, u prefer 3DT to Teas?

No no no, that canā€™t be possible. This would mean only one thingā€¦



This judgment is giving me anxietyā€¦ Am I witnessing the king of this bracket in the progress of being dethroned?

But then again, I keep reminding myself that I havenā€™t even received my incoming Teas yet so who knows if it will still be my IEM endgame in terms of the price bracket I can afford.

Anyways, just a voice of reason in case all riot and revolution break out among fellow IEM lovers :joy:


Apples and oranges. Normalized @ 1K hz:

@ 200hz:

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