Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

I like Tea for metal, I obviously have a special taste.

I said ā€œgreatā€, not that they are bad.

What I love most about the Teas is that they can play any genre, since they do nothing wrong :slight_smile:

I find Soenā€™s Imperial album interesting for assessing a new set, because IMO the quality of the mastering and producing is very inconsistent.
So where the album is great, it is good to assess how the set will make the most of it. And where the album isā€¦ questionableā€¦ (some strange sibilant vocals at times, unnatural percussions at others, darker tonality in some tracks versus others) I find interesting to hear how a set ā€œeasesā€ those weak spots.
You too ?

For the record, I donā€™t remember saying Tea was ever a great IEM for metal. Iā€™ve said the FH3 and FH7 are good IEMs for metal because of the speed and texture of their beryllium DDs. Most IEMs are not ideal for metal, especially the likes of the Legacy 3. Horrible in that department.

The Tea is a hybrid that is tuned so well that it rides the thin line of treble extension and horrible BA timbre. It is tuned to really showcase the hardware it is made of. It has spectacular mids and an extremely tasteful sub bass emphasis. It has some of the best imaging Iā€™ve ever heard because of its BA drivers and has a fantastic stage. It is a fantastic overall IEM for most genres and my #1 rec in my first IEM tier around the $300 mark.

The 3DT is a dynamic monster with very lively treble. It sounds similar to the MEST MKII with its authority and overall tuning but the treble is hotter. It has some of the best treble Iā€™ve heard and I usually just donā€™t want treble to be painful. The 3DT treble is enjoyable to listen to, detailed and lively. If the 3DT treble is a bit too much (and I can understand it being so for some) Iā€™m going to be looking into how to tame it and still hopefully retain its character.

Iā€™m not an advocate of EQā€™ing IEMs, but in the case of the 3DT, the treble is of such high quality, it might be worth it to EQ it down a tad if it is too much for you. Personally, Iā€™ve been enjoying it and that is saying a lot from someone who is quite treble sensitive.

Iā€™ve just had a few days with the 3DT but I already adore it. I havenā€™t been able to listen with it to many other genres but I will and will share my findings as always with you guys. Being honest, I have been quite excited to find an IEM other than the MEST that can pull of the metal genre as well as the 3DT does at its price range. Iā€™ve been searching for a long time. Please understand that most of my comments thus far have been in regards to the 3DT with the metal genre.

Very few sets are. Itā€™s a very difficult genre for any headphone or earphone to depict properly because itā€™s usually an incredibly technical genre with extremely fast transients, most of the instruments are distorted and coated in compression. The kick drums and bass guitar compete for the same frequencies in the mix which have forced engineers to invent side-chainingā€¦ etc. Iā€™d have to say from my experience, metal is the most sophisticated genre for audiophile replay with perfect speed, clarity and detail.


My DIY Foam mod is another alternative to EQing down the treble.

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Iā€™m going to look into it for sure. I ordered the 3M Micropore Paper last night to see what kind of effect that has as well.

Again, I agree the 3DT treble tuning is a bit hot, but the important part of the story is that the treble quality is outstanding VS BA treble especially. I love EST treble but in comparison, the dynamic driver producing the treble in the 3DT is doing treble very differently than other IEMs Iā€™ve heard and Iā€™m loving it. Itā€™s raw, detailed and natural. It sounds like nothing is being held back.

Single DD sets usually donā€™t have enough extension in the treble region to be able to come close to what Iā€™m hearing from the 3DT.


You might like the KZ DQ6 then, that is a mini 3DT from what people have told me.

OK, I just ordered them. Not a KZ fan tho. Itā€™s going to take a month to get here. lol


oh boy. :+1:

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Ahahah, I like this style of impulse buys. Letā€™s goooo.

Xenns Up and EJ07m next week lezzzzzzzzzzz go


lol, you havenā€™t seen me do this before? @Rikudou_Goku knows it well. He tells me to buy something and what do I do @Rikudou_Goku ???

At this rate, youā€™ll be competing with my collection size in no time. You are collecting sets at a very rapid rate. You might be worse than I am!


ResolutionĀ“s impulse purchases are well known here lol.

Yeah, @nymz sure is getting a lot of stuff at rapid rate.


Now hereā€™s a tale of diminishing returns I think many will be interested to hear.
KZ DQ6 is great in my opinion. Riku gave it an A, and HBB review was quite positive as well

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Yeah I shouldnā€™t expect much from a guy that was giving first impressions on Xenns UP and then saw a 100$ discount on Mest Mk2, right? :rofl:

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I havenā€™t heard it yet so Iā€™ll keep my mind open to it. I have a KZ AST that many were raving about (including HBB) and I feel itā€™s one of my worst sounding IEMs in my collection, but Iā€™m always open to hearing anything that has the potential of being good. If @Rikudou_Goku says to give it a try, I must listen. :slight_smile:


DQ6 with my DIY foam mod is in my top 2 budget iems along with the Blon 03 (with mesh mod).

In stock it is still very good, but probably top 5 instead of top 2.

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I am sold by your words about the 3DT!

Do they play well with different genres of music? Or only Metal?

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What do you work that you buy so many IEMs. Money is just paper :wink:


I live at my parents with their Visa Card :man_shrugging: