Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

Bravo. It’s that easy. And I work like crazy :slight_smile:

Yeah, my dad owns an oil rig. But I can only access my trustfund in 2 years. I have to be careful with purchases because I have to pay them with my allowance

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Thank you for the kind words!

They will excel with any genre of music that can benefit from being extremely lively with coherency and natural timbre.

Again, I’ve only had them for 2 days and haven’t listened to a lot of my library with them, but I have experience with a lot of IEMs and I know something special when I hear it. It is on par for stage size with most other single DD IEMs as well as imaging. I think BA drivers excel at soundstage size and imaging in particular.

One other downside is that the shell size is quite large. The MEST MKII fits better but there is a huge price discrepancy there.

Anyone wanting to get a feel for the MEST MKII’s authoritative - end game slam characteristics can find it with the 3DT.

I’ll continue to listen to them (see how they fair with different genres of music) and work with some mod ideas and eq to tame the highs. I’ll report back with any and all findings as usual. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty excited over this IEM in general especially at its price point. Unique Melody killing it!


You’re slowly becoming UM fanboy, aren’t you? :grinning:

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Slowly? Really? :rofl:


Let’s see… Fiio are releasing IEMs plated in 24 ct gold laced with fake diamonds and denying any reviewers review units that have anything negative to say about their products. Moondrop are posting anime sex smut all over all of their social media. I hate Campfire with a passion. Empire Ears are overrated and overpriced, I already own everything Thieaudio has ever made…

I’m running out of options. All jokes aside, I’m a fan of quality and audiophile excellence. Unique Melody are the company impressing me at the moment and that I have no issue admitting.


Tanchjim. Shuoer. Sony.

Thank you so much for responding!:rose:

It is always the shell size, or the nozzles size.

Do you find them comfortable to wear for like 2-3 hours?

I’m looking forward to reading your final thoughts on them.

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As you guys know, HUGE fan of the Oxygen. But lightning hasn’t struck again for Tanchjim.

Never been impressed with anything I’ve heard from the company. I prefer everything Thieaudio has done in comparison.

I should give Sony more love. As everyone knows, the IER Z1R is one of the best earphones you can buy. But unfortunately for me, it was not a comfortable fit for me and I could not justify the cost if they wouldn’t be comfortable for me to wear for long periods of time. I haven’t listened to any of their other earphones unfortunately. There’s one that I really want on @Rikudou_Goku rec, but I believe it has been discontinued when I went to try and order it.

DUNU is another company I want to see and hope succeeds. I’ve enjoyed every IEM I’ve purchased from DUNU. If my ears could handle the SA6 suction, I would have kept it.


They both are beautiful looking IEMs, but I like the Blue/Gold color more


You’re welcome, it’s my pleasure.

I’ve been going through all my tips while listening trying to find the best combination. I’m still not set on the best tips for the MEST MKII either. I have three sets of tips in its case I change regularly still deciding. So it can take me a lot of time to get it right. Because of the different shell shape, I’m not sure if the same tips will be the best for the 3DT or not.

I find the MEST MKII more comfortable but yes, I don’t have issue wearing the 3DT for hours. I just wish the shells were the same as the MEST MKII. lol

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Bigger than Var?

Moondrop is making the shell, and nozzles for giant people specially multi drivers IEMs

I didn’t know there were two different wood types. I might end up with both.

One thing to point out is that the all wood, teal 3DT appears to have an extended 2 pin connector. So the normal 2 pin cables will not work. I prefer recessed, but I do love that stabilized wood texture! lol

Resolution = kid in a candy store looking at those pictures…


It’s JP version. I only have acess to that one tho.

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The Tea fit me much better. It isn’t the shell size that is the issue, I believe it is the angle in which the nozzle enters the ear.

I could take a shot if you want a comparison vs the Variations shell?

Ah! Thank you. I prefer the stabilized wood look but I would rather have the recessed 2 pin. Either way, they are both beautiful.

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Take all the time you need no rush.

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When you have the time. In case I fall for this trap :stuck_out_tongue: Variations is my maximum.

Oh yeah, it’s considerably larger! lol OH my! Photo coming.


The XBA-N3?
Its still available actually

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