šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

Which seller was that, and did they offer a prepaid option for the return shipping (like Amazon does)? Or were you on your own for finding a shipping company and shipping option to send it back to China?

Huh thatā€™s a hard one lol, I think I might do Dos since I enjoy a ton of bass to begin with anyways.

I do lean more on right preference too, this shitā€™s hard lol


You have free return on Ali the first time you order it. but might be a hassle with the shipping, i think oyu have to pay the shipping then they refund you or something like that

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Fingers crossed Doscinco is a good enough replacement for my UP

Im into prog metal and such brother. I love the tuning and the bass for my kind of genre.

Interesting new comparison review between the ZiiGaat sets. According to them, the Doscinco is higher resolution with a more energetic sound signature.


Agreed, but havenā€™t watched the video

Replacement is a strong suggestionā€¦ a different beast, Dos is. Me? I never looked back. The UP has some special sauce in staging plus scaling and eq ability, itā€™s treble is the best feature for meā€¦but if presented with one or the other for everā€¦DOS wins. That says a lot for the much less costly Dos. Male vocals are better placed with Dos, bass is much more realistic overall.
Itā€™s a bit more intimate, a plus for me. Only sometimes on thicker tracks I would take a db out of 125 hz and maybe 60 as well.


i disagree wholeheartedly. Interesting take I guess.

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The UP is still my Favorite IEM after all this time and how many others I have.


It always seemed the louder I made it the better the UP sounded. Smooth operator.


The seller is called the 'Official Shanling Storeā€™s on AliExpress, though itā€™s not actually Shanling itself, just a re-seller that only sells Shanling gear. My brother bought me the UA5 for my birthday, and it was unfortunately outside the return window by the time I opened it and tried it. I ended up paying the return shipping, but it was just Canada Post air mail at $16 CAD, so luckily it didnā€™t break the bank. The seller originally mentioned perhaps refunding my shipping but I didnā€™t chase after them for it, I was just glad to get a properly functioning replacement as my original unit had both screen burn-in and a major playback issue.

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this give me the return option even if. iā€™ve opened it:https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005006254072205.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.4.20ff582frZj2Ii&gatewayAdapt=glo2ita

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Yeah I miss mine, trying to find an alternative close to it without spending as much. At least something close so I can trade my sister back for my UP

I definitely gotta try Dos then

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Is there someone here whoā€™ve had experience with Doscinco and Hype 4?

Is Doscinco just clearly better even removing the price factor?

There are quite a few online and on here that have that comparison. Do not know the exact spot in here. On one of the many threadsšŸ¤™

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Maybe return options are different for different countries. I just see delivery guarantee and refund if late or not as described (for those in Canada). Nothing about ā€œfree returnsā€, which I have seen on some items.

@apricotblossome Iā€™m curious to know about doscinco vs hype4 too! All I know is that Jay says hype4 is not worth the upgrade if you already have doscinco/cincotres, better to jump to the monarchs or maybe hype10


I donā€™t have the Hype 4 but I have the Hype 2, and I find the key differences are less bass (but still an ample quantity of it, nothing to complain about whatsoever), and bigger staging that feels more ā€˜3D / holographicā€™ for lack of a better term.

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You speaking about in terms of hype 2? Like itā€™s got the better stage but less bass?

Iā€™ve seen a used hype 4 close to a new Doscinco, I know ones brand new but Iā€™m still one of those people who try to maximize value

For now the safe lock is Dos

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Yes, comparing to the Hype 2. Everyone has their own priorities when it comes to sound, to me fun and nice bass are key so I donā€™t regret buying the Doscinco, it definitely sits at the top of my small IEM collection.