šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

Yeah I miss mine, trying to find an alternative close to it without spending as much. At least something close so I can trade my sister back for my UP

I definitely gotta try Dos then

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Is there someone here whoā€™ve had experience with Doscinco and Hype 4?

Is Doscinco just clearly better even removing the price factor?

There are quite a few online and on here that have that comparison. Do not know the exact spot in here. On one of the many threadsšŸ¤™

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Maybe return options are different for different countries. I just see delivery guarantee and refund if late or not as described (for those in Canada). Nothing about ā€œfree returnsā€, which I have seen on some items.

@apricotblossome Iā€™m curious to know about doscinco vs hype4 too! All I know is that Jay says hype4 is not worth the upgrade if you already have doscinco/cincotres, better to jump to the monarchs or maybe hype10


I donā€™t have the Hype 4 but I have the Hype 2, and I find the key differences are less bass (but still an ample quantity of it, nothing to complain about whatsoever), and bigger staging that feels more ā€˜3D / holographicā€™ for lack of a better term.

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You speaking about in terms of hype 2? Like itā€™s got the better stage but less bass?

Iā€™ve seen a used hype 4 close to a new Doscinco, I know ones brand new but Iā€™m still one of those people who try to maximize value

For now the safe lock is Dos

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Yes, comparing to the Hype 2. Everyone has their own priorities when it comes to sound, to me fun and nice bass are key so I donā€™t regret buying the Doscinco, it definitely sits at the top of my small IEM collection.


definitely will give em a look

edit: Really just posting this as a ā€œPSAā€ as Iā€™m actually happier with this second unit I received.

april 28 edit: timmy measured an older serial number unit, looks like iā€™m just lucky/unlucky with the unit variance > šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco - #330 by Ljnu
(still no clue about the physical drivers being shuffled around internally that really prompted my post in the first place)

got a replacement set through amazon before getting around to dropping off my first Doscinco for shipping (right side vent-screen seemed to be installed at something like 30Ā° angle; sounds great but canā€™t get at it to re-glue it myself without damaging/losing inside the shell)

the second set definitely sounds like a closer match to @Timmy-Gizaudio graph. the mid-bass is noticeably cleaned up but still plenty and it has a slight boost to upper mids/lower treble, though no where near as boosted as timmyā€™s graph to my ears or Iā€™d be disappointed. Maybe -2dB mid-bass +2dB lower treble compared to my first set. Squiglink - IEM frequency response database by Timmy Vangtan

my first set sounds very much like @VIVIDICI_111 graph Squiglink - MMagTech mid bass pushed a bit more than iā€™d like on most tips/fitments.

edit: noticed the HBB vs Timmy graphs are a better visual for what I was hearing. not a ton of change on either end until theyā€™re happening at the same time.

For me the change is for the better, but would definitely be worse if you are really looking for that basshead style or warm/dark style for very high volume. (I am relatively high volume, ~80db according to the volume warning on the Soundcore Space Q45.)

I think Iā€™d have prefered only the bass adjustment and leave the upper-mids and treble alone, but that treble boost maybe why it opened up as much as it has.

Thanks to the mid-bass and treble change combo the whole thing sounds way more open and decongested but still hits hard enough that I donā€™t think Iā€™d notice that there was a change without being able to A/B compare these.

adding this part after writing about half of the first quoted section:

while initially typing that up I noticed I could see the DD was angled differently in the shellā€¦

was leaning heavily toward chalking it up to unit variation untilā€¦

  • 2DD is rotated and in a slightly different position in the shell. yellow filter-vent on the 2DD sound tube is at different position.
  • All the BAs are re-arranged. Although the biggest BA seems to be mostly just rotated, you can see the thinner side of it next to the 2dd on the left unit, and the broad-side/corner of that BA on the original.

much easier to see in person but I just canā€™t get good pictures through the shell with the lights i have available, but you can see the 2DD position and a couple of the BA locations.
(doubt there would be a point in hiding the serial numbers but i hid them anyway)


this is why i hate about most chifi, they keep changing thingsā€¦


instead of shining the light toward the IEMs try shining the light from behind, towards the camera. This should make it easier to get a pic of the internals


oh yeah i tried for way too long. i think between the phone camera and no light small enough and bright enough to avoid blinding the camera at the same time itā€™s all i could get.
not great but figured it was enough.
maybe i can try again some time with the updated model if anyone needs something specific. packed up the old one though since i was done A/Bing them


They changing shite again what

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Get a macro lens adapter.

My old pics here were taken using this:


My recently received Doscincoā€™s insides also looks like your newer unit.
I also see another older Doscincoā€™s internal pics that looks like your old unit too

Completely speculative, but maybe this manufacturing change made the Doscincos consistently brighter. And perhaps similar changes made the Cincotres duller sounding, given how early impressions ex. @domq422 's, @VIVIDICI_111 's, etc. are so different from this recent videoā€™s impressions and mine

So now we have two older units that look the same internally and two newer units that look the same as well, which points to a ā†’ Stealth Revision?
Iā€™m gonna assume gizaudio has the newer versions, and honestly the Dos and Tres both still sound amazing.


yup, definitely revised for one reason or another.

just needed to post my findings because itā€™s shifted enough into a mild V tuning (the reduced bass/increased treble combo can stack up quick) from nearly a full-on basshead set, that I could see it being a make-or-break difference depending on the individual.

I wouldnā€™t personally blind buy this right this moment if I didnā€™t already have it, would wait for more updated reviews/graphs.

although in practice itā€™s personally worked out for the better.


Ya, funny cause I wouldā€™ve thought my doscincos were the cincotres and vice versa if I were blindfolded and was going by the early released impressions.

Now, listening to them both, I canā€™t decide which one I like better :thinking: Good problem to have I guess
Another interesting thing, is that Timmyā€™s measurement of cincotres is awfully similar to his measurement of the upcomming DaVinci :eyes: not perfectly though. Squiglink - IEM frequency response database by Timmy Vangtan


damn why do they do this :unamused:


this revision shit makes it so difficult in an already difficult arena to buy stuff

Iā€™m about to clutch my money and throw it at DaVinci instead


oh this graph might save me from having to choose between Cinco or Dos, now I can do Dos and DaVinci