🔶 ZiiGaat Doscinco

I have 2 Doscincos as well and ran into the same thing!
I ordered one pair from AliExpress on March 20th 2024 and received April 14th and ordered one pair on Amazon on April 7th 2024 and received on April 8th.

I noticed right away the AliExpress pair had more of the blue sparkles on the faceplate compared to the Amazon ones. After seeing this post I also saw the same differences inside.
The AliExpress ones looked like your old ones and the ones from Amazon like your new ones.

I think what confused me a bit was the numbers on the IEMs themselves, which I assumed was a serial number or something.
The AliExpress ones have a higher number (259) at the end while the Amazon ones have a lower number (127) but not sure if that matters much.

I will be returning the Amazon ones as those have horrible driver flex on both sides, while the AliExpress ones only have mild driver flex on the right side.


What I need is the below 80 Hz of the Cinco and the 200 Hz through 1 kHz of the Davinci. I could go with either set above 1 kHz.

But which Cinco set, old or revised, is graphed here?

An interesting comparison:


just wanted to update a bit

some of what i wrote earlier makes it sound worse than it is. although the drivers being shuffled around internally isn’t a great look.

noticed the HBB vs Timmy graphs are a better visual for what I was hearing.

not a ton of change on either end until they’re happening at the same time.


Timmy got them within the last ~two weeks from the manufacturers, so I’m going to assume it’s the new revision ones

(^Rough estimate because in his last ranking video he said he hasn’t gotten them yet)

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Hmm very interesting. Did you notice a sound difference between the two, which one has more bass/highs?

And how bad is the driver flex in the bad one, is it crunchy/crinkly in one but not the other?

In today’s “end of the month Q&A” livestream on Gizaudio he measured an early unit 033 and later unit 286 Doscinco, and they measured essentially identical. So he concluded there was no silent revision, just unit variation. He also says he liked the new ziigaats and didn’t experience any driver flex.

Also heard about this upcomming ziigaat collab. Damn I’m curious

“The ZiiGaat x Fresh Review Arete is a 1DD+4BA Hybrid IEM with a 5 Driver Hybrid Configuration”


interesting. I would have chalked it up to bad luck on unit variation, and not even really bothered posting much about it myself, if not for the drivers being rearranged inside.

i wonder if anyone with more industry knowledge knows if that’s a normal thing with any other sets; the drivers being maneuvered, maybe to account for the individual driver’s frequency response tolerances?

I’ve read BA matching is quite the hassle so maybe that extra work would make sense?


Ehm no I dont think it is. As BA placement should be extremely vital to the resulting sound. If they are mismatched by like 1mm it will affect the sound. So them rearranging the whole thing SHOULD change the sound noticeably…

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doscinco are here i listened 10 seconds, and they sound very good! no fat bass but fast bass with a good kick no bleed in the mids, mids are not warm as in the fan2 but neutral with just a little of hardness buti was listenign form a dongle, its a neutral sound very dinamic exciting and musical, a step above the warmy fan 2 (that hadn’t highs). go with them. also they are not enormous like serial so until now no problems reported.


ok more impressions on doscinco after a longer listening session. maybe is the later batch but this is not a bass head iem bass now its normal, the major pro is the holography and wideness of the stage …but when i compare it to my thieaudio elixir i feel that i can follow the microdynamics of the pianist better on elixir, such when he plays two simultaneous voices increasing the pressure on certain keys and i felt also that on elixir i can listen to all the echoes of the rooms more far … ba are fast and for elctronics music like max cooper its better suited but for classical and voices i prefere 1dd iems like vortex and thieaudio elixir. i have to say though that this doscinco is the best ba hybrid that i’ve had i cant feel any ba plastic timbre. now i’ve to burn in them but if they don’t change a lot i’m thinking to return or re sell just because today i 've bought a very expensive dac. and i feel guilty for all these expenses…

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ok i returned them especially for their fit: to listen for their bass i have to push them a lot inside the ears, than the bass is good but mids and highs are a little cold and not enough dynamic for me.

The serial number with 259 only had driver flex on the right side and it felt crinkly.
The serial number with 127 had driver flex on both sides, the left side felt crinkly and the right side felt both crinkly and crunchy, definitely the worst I’ve heard!

I’m not too sure regarding sound difference, either 259 sounded slightly less bright or was slightly less loud as 127 at the same volume.

Here are some pics I tried to snatch of mine, the 127 pair was a bit harder to grab as the light couldnt penetrate as well as the 259 pair.

Left 127

Left 259

Right 127

Right 259


@VIVIDICI_111 confirms in this video that there was a silent retune of the Doscinco. I wonder if the Cincotres got retuned as well.


I mean he’s basing that off of different measurements on different rigs. Which makes it hard to say for sure.
Whereas gizaudio measured an old and new doscinco on the same rig and they measured identical.


In a continuing dialog with ZiiGaat , I asked about the retuning and here is the response:

Optimism or pessimism… QC or measurement rigs and all the variations possible? Total Bullshit?
I’m going with they got a lot of orders and QC suffered a bit trying to keep pace and am cautiously optimistic that when I purchase another set as a gift it would be near identical.


looking like just some bonkers QC, with the drivers haphazardly tossed in the shell for some sets. with @Timmy-Gizaudio late 200s set matching graph with a 030 set. saw some of the reviews on head-fi had pictures of later sets (300ish) where the 2DD appeared to be positioned correctly as well.

in some early-mid 200s sets we see pictures of some instances of the drivers in random positions in the shell, surprised they managed to keep the tuning as close as it was on my two sets.

Hi guys. Will Doscinco be a good upgrade from Ikko OH10 for someone who listens to a lot of stoner/sludge metal, post-punk and post-hardcore? Or would Cincotres be a better choice?
I find OH10’s bass very satisfying, but the treble can be too spicy/fatiguing on some tracks.

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Thanks for posting this. I brought this up when he first suggested this stealth retune.

If someone uses different tips, or there is a difference in the microphone used to measure, you will have different measured values. Even a difference in insertion depth and/or angle can make a huge difference. Mics can have variations just like transducers, assembled IEMs and headphones.


The OH10 is very V shaped set, and the extra treble is a side effect of that tuning style.

The Doscinco would likely be a good pick. I haven’t heard the Cincotres, or the OH10, but the tucked tuning basically turns down the mid-bass, which would be a very different sound from the OH10. There are other people that could talk to OH10 upgrade path better than I could.

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I’ve been looking for a bassy iem under 300. Can’t decide between ZiiGaat Doscinco and Timmy’s Davinci. I was looking at this thread but I don’t think anyone compared both. Which one would be good for a bass? pretty much need for hip hop & classic rock.