🔶 ZiiGaat Doscinco

yep i also tried adjusting only 3k slider and my findings are pretty much consistent through all my iems. Cincotres just sounds more real and airy. This being said my perfect set would be the mids and treble from Cincotres and the low end from Doscinco lol.

Imo the low end on the doscinco is boomier than the FR shows. Like if you look at these sets you might think legato is boomiest and hola and doscinco are similar but NOPE doscinco is boomiest set by far!


Hmm thats very interesting, Do you have it? I like a good deep elastic rumble but i dont like the bass too boomy.

Yeah those are the sets I’ve got and can directly compare against! If you’re in north america you can always buy Doscinco from Amazon and then return no questions asked if you don’t like it! :+1:

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Been comparing the Doscinco to this roster:

  • Truthear Zero Red
  • Truthear Hexa
  • Truthear Nova
  • Simgot EM6L
  • Moondrop Aria 2
  • Blon HBB Z300

And damn they slam without losing detail on the upper-mid/highs! Of course, they are not in the same price bracket but based on the sound signature of the Z300, I wanted to know what 10X in price looks like.

Unfortunately, they are a bit too bulky for my ears. I dislike it when IEMs stick out too much. EM6L and Aria 2 are a better fit for me.


they look huuge :scream:

Doscinco are normal-big iems but Mp145 IS enormous.

Very positive first impressions for the doscinco. It maintains a tonality, like the MP145, that is natural and quite realistic.

Is the difference in the resolution? No. The doscinco has good resolution comparable to the Mp145.
The difference is basically that the Doscinco has more bass impact, a little softer treble and a somewhat greater expansion of the stage.

The Mp145 already seems brutal to me for those €140, so I think the Doscinco is not the best value for money but I do appreciate that it is better and for €300 it is a truly good product.


Ahh F it… Couldn’t decide so I bought both the Cincotres and the Doscinco :smiling_face_with_tear:
If anyone has questions I can answer in a few months :rofl:


I have noticed, apart from the higher bass in the doscinco… that the Doscinco tends to move the sound further away (soundstage) than the mp145. I also notice that the mp145 doesn’t work as well in depth.
What seems curious to me is that the doscinco offers the detail but in a more natural way…not with a sharp note edge.
It’s a curious iem.


That is a fantastic way of describing it.


You have just described the bain of Planar in a nutshell its lack of depth and stage in a iem form factor.

Owning a set of electrostatic speakers its easy to understand why this would be a issue with a tiny transducer shoved in our ears L&R

As it is the very large one you need to be sitting smack dab in the middle with the speakers angled in towards you.


This is a problem when people tune planar traditionally, to a good target for a DD. Same as with BA bass. Both are far less penalized for adding midbass and lower-mids but that advantage is rarely emphasized.


Timeless is still my absolute favorite IEM for the width of stage and imaging. Unfortunately the stage depth was severely lacking. :crying_cat_face:


1000%. A neutrally tuned planar will sound painfully anemic.


Exactly why I sold It and I totally agree about the OG Timeless although the NiceHCK F1 Pro has much of that DNA

Mp145 is enjoying

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Have you tried it driven by a hybrid tube source?…pushes its boundaries it does :+1:


I have not. I sold it a while back because of lack of depth to the sound filed, harsh treble and timbre.


I sold penon serial and ordered doscinco, not received yet. Serial were too bulky for my ears and lately I can’t stand their vocal sound. To much papery… Not smooth and recessed not too much but recessed. For vocal and acoustic tracks I kept penon vortex and thieaudio elixir that are excellent and more coherent than serial. But for having fun with bass music, electronic, metal, I listened better with Penon fan2 than Serial( micro details and holographic sound). As doscinco has two sonion on mids I’d expect they will be better than Fan2 ( that was too long for my ears and missed highs). I let you know


I already had the Fan2 and compared it with the Doscinco. For me, the Doscinco destroys them.