šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco



Thanks bro :smiley:

I went with the Doscinco after having Auto EQā€™d Doscinco and Cincotres onto my BQEYZ Wind - not at all a perfect analogy for what it will sound like in real life, but based on what I heard, I really like the intimacy granted by the Doscinco tuning over the tightened-up Cincotres. But I can see why one would prefer Cincotres too, itā€™s arguably less niche.

For vocals duties, I already have the choice between Wind & Dark Magician OG so I think Iā€™m set.

Itā€™s time for a basshead set!


Really? In terms of tonality Mp145 IS a beast. It improve in resolution and soundstage?

The Artti R1 is my favorite under $100. With Kailua and Olina SE behind it.

I have also been enjoying the ZiiGaat Cinno which is a bit different. It doesnā€™t have as much bass as most of the sets I enjoy. It is a very low pinna set, which is fantastic for vocals, and it gives a lot of the same magic I like about the P1 Max.


I was on a trip last week and I lost my Kailua somehow.
Now I have Olina SE and HeartMirror Zero as EDC.

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I agree

My ears say cymbals are better resolved on Doscinco, vocals and acoustic guitars are slightly closer and fuller as well, and again, for me, more accurate. Most everything else tit for tatā€¦
The 145 shines with a lot of power and played loud, whereas throughout the volume range and much less power, Doscinco remains consistent, bass is on another level, compared to 145. However, that bass might get somewhat in the way on some tracks.
The fit of the 145 is not for everyone, including me when moving about. I consider the whale a bit of a novelty and if the entire package were moved to a more conventional metal shellā€¦it could be a tough act to follow at the price.
I consider both warmer iems, and staging is a bit of a toss up. Lots of folks talk about a wider stageā€¦there is so much more to it than that. Definition and separation of vocals and instruments within an obvious setting are vastly more important to me. Doscinco wins here, for my library.
The more V shape an iem, the more that definition disappears but can seem to ā€œwidenā€ the stage for some ears.
The 145 is a great sounding planer iem, but ticks less of my boxes than Doscinco.


I somehow missed the HearMirror craze, they always seems like a good base for modding, but I tend to enjoy bass too much to start there. I think Rosefinch is the basshead set that has sort of the same cult status.

Speaking of mods, the EA500 with tape over the holes by the nozzle is a good time.

HeartMirror graphs with low bass, but the bass is present and really good quality.

I tried Rosefinch unmodded and it was a V shape mess. Iā€™m sure modding makes it a basshead set butā€¦


i also had the R1 but sold it and kept my Fudu which is similar but has more snap in the mids and treble. I also own the Cinno and i have to say it has grown on me a lot lately. Also ordered the Doscinco, hope its gonna be my endgame bass set.


Maybe BEST iems price quality on the market now?


Hey Dom, how do both Ziigaats compare in terms of upper mids and treble? does any of these two have any tinge of forwardness, sibilance, shoutyness? I ordered the Doscinco because looks tamer and with the bigger bass i guess sounds darker, but now im beginning to regret the desicion and i might swap the order for the Cincotres, mainly because its supposed to have better bass separation and i am afraid Doscinco is gonna get boomy. Does the Cincotres sound harsher or shouty in comparison ? are there instances where you have to lower the volume in order to make them less sharp?


Hey brother, thanks for asking!

I found absolutely 0 harshness, sibilance or grainy-ness in either of the Ziigaat bros. The Doscinco is exceptionally smooth in both the lower mids and the uppermids with a tinge of darkness in the treble. Itā€™s a great chill, laid back set to my ears. The Cincotres on the other hand, to your point, had better bass separation with a greater sense of punch in the mid-bass and an overall grander sense of resolution because the upper mids are pushed up in a peak right around 3k, which keep in mind, is my HRTF hot spot. Despite that, I still did not find the Cincotres at all harsh or too forward. They are a very refined pair of IEMs in all parts of the FR.

Depending on what youā€™re looking for, theyā€™re both great options. I hope this helps!


Thank you sir!

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My pleasure!

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iā€™ve ordered Doscinco, than cancelled, than ordered again (incredible price on aliexpress), cause iā€™ve already something neutral, penon vortex, thieaudio elixir (iā€™ve just sold penon serial), i need something completely strange and warm to chill out, far from neutral and Doscinco is perfect for this. i donā€™t want to be energized o to have clear details from Doscinco but beeing absorbed in a wall of thick sound like penon Globe did (i didnā€™t have it but now are too old to buy them). 1 month and i let you know.


So i have tried to EQ several iems in my collection to Cincotres and Doscinco FR and i must admit that the 3k peak in the Cincotres makes everything sound more real from vocals to hi hats and drum kicks and everything sounds a bit airer with more space between instruments which i like, but when it comes to hip hop bass rumble the Doscinco definitely has the edge (Big Boi - Kill Jill for example) on my EQ experiment but also sounds less spaced and more closed in. I dont know if my findings are correct or translate to real life becauseā€¦EQ. Can somebody please confirm if im hearing right or wrong?


attractive sound but we already knew that.
What I didnā€™t expect was that it was also technical enough, giving a good scene, dynamics, separationā€¦

I donā€™t understand that A- from Jaytiss (or that YouTuber with glasses). This is perfectly an A or A+ in technique equal to or better than the Mp145.

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Mind showing what EQ filters you are using on them?

i just used squiglink to EQ the sets that i already own, Tangzu Fudu, Ziigaat Cinno, Simgot EW200 to Cincotres and Doscinco via the autoeq feature and then i just imported that in PEApo. Then i just listened to various songs and genres like Big Boi Kill Jill for rumble, Alice In Chains Would for drum kicks and vocals and i toggled between Cincotres and Doscinco EQ and these are my findings as i posted on my previous post:

ā€˜ā€˜So i have tried to EQ several iems in my collection to Cincotres and Doscinco FR and i must admit that the 3k peak in the Cincotres makes everything sound more real from vocals to hi hats and drum kicks and everything sounds a bit airer with more space between instruments which i like, but when it comes to hip hop bass rumble the Doscinco definitely has the edge (Big Boi - Kill Jill for example) on my EQ experiment but also sounds less spaced and more closed in. I dont know if my findings are correct or translate to real life becauseā€¦EQ. Can somebody please confirm if im hearing right or wrong?ā€™ā€™

Different transducers will respond differently to EQ so keep that in mind.

If you want to know what the difference in the 3k area does to you, it is best that you ONLY adjust that area, not the whole FR as that will make it pretty much impossible to just narrow it down to solely one factor for having a certain effect.

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