šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

The more I read about them the more the cinco may be my preferenceā€¦


Doscinco vs Hype 4? or mp145



How does the Doscinco compete against the MP145?

I noticed they are quite similar in tuning.


Doscinco has a more natural playback overall at all volumes, harder hitting bass, smoother, balanced treble, (cymbals in particular) compared to the somewhat uneven upper mids to treble and power hungry response of 145.
Vocals come off slightly recessed on 145 in comparison.


Having a hard time deciding beyeeen the Cincotres or Doscinco for metal, specifically death and black metal. Any thoughts?

Excuse my ignoranceā€¦ :raised_hand:
If that is anything like Black Sabbath or something with heavy use of distortion pedals, duel electric guitars - high BPM (double bass drum/kick drum) the Cincotres has a bit less warmth, where Dosinco might be a more laid back warm clean jam (classic rock)ā€¦the speed and chaos of Death Metalā€¦only group I know is Cannibal Corpseā€¦Death metal ??..woul be better on Cincotres.

Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Old Metallica and Cannibal Corpse are my only refs in my library that might apply


Yeah, ā€¦and theses dudes are still around? Have not heard anything from them since years ago


So what Iā€™m hearing you say is that the Doscinco has the upper hand in all areas of sound?

Is there anything MP145 does better, and if there is, can an argument be made that is reasonable for some people to prefer it over the Doscinco or is the Doscinco basically just a straight upgrade?

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Thank you for your input!
All great artists, Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Iron Maiden were my stepping stone to death metal so they will always have a special place in my heart!
Cannibal Corpse is definitely still rocking on, saw them live last year and they put on heck of a show!

Based on your suggestion, it sounds like I should go more towards the Doscinco for slower black metal type music or the cincotres for speedier death metal type, thatā€™s a tough one as my library is split 50/50 for those 2 genres, decisions decisions!


+1. I want to known that

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Banger song on doscinco :metal::+1:

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I havenā€™t heard Cincotres, but from my library, which ranges from thrash metal to black and death, I think Doscinco is perfect and meets my expectations of very intense bass and kick drums, just the way I like it and nothing gets cluttered, it works well for any genre of metal that I listen to even the lightest ones, it doesnā€™t overload, my curiosity is to know if the high notes of the CincoTres are stronger and if they can cause some fatigue because it is brighter and more energetic. Between the Hype4 there is a lot of technical difference or are they close and the soundstage competes? Iā€™m almost getting the Cinocotres too for comparison.


Hey everyone, what is the nozzle width of the doscinco? I have the 7hz timeless and itā€™s nozzle is fine for me so would it be similar in width or wider?

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My Hidizs ms3 just recived and I m very happy. Engaging sound.
Better than the Mp145?..well I need time but maybe better than Doscinco?

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How is the timbre on the Doscinco? Does it have that dryness that most treble BAā€™s give off? Or is it drowned out by the bass anyway :joy:


In my opinion, the timbre on the Dos is as youā€™d expect, very natural and probably a little tilted towards the warm side.


You got any experience with the Quintet? How does it compare?


I donā€™t unfortunately Iā€™m sorry

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Jay touched on it in his Cinocotres video - apparently Quintet has more resolution overall than both ZiiGaats and treble has more detail though with some metallic timbre creeping in.

Less natural, less fun than ZiiGaats. Hmm. Iā€™m getting the Hiby FC6 in a week or so, I wonder if its organic signature can ā€œsaveā€ the timbre of the Quintet and make the edgy, different timbres gel together. If it can, Iā€™ll be rewarded synergy-wise.

Another thing why Iā€™m looking at the Quintet is how closely it matches the Subtonic Storm in tuning:

Also the Supernova:


5.1 mm ā€¦ you gave me an excuse to get my calipers out.

5.4 mm

You should have no problems. I have small ear canals and was pleasantly surprised at how good the fit was on the Doscinco for me.

I agree with @domq422 , it is natural and a leans a bit warm.

Sadly, I havenā€™t heard the quintet either. Nor have I ever tried a R2R like the FC6.


First off, sorry for late reply been off grid

See above, AND an argument can most definitely be made for nearly any iem vs another. Consider your own checklist: pricing, materials , looks, fit, are you adding to a collection or this is it for now? Your library could sound better on 145. For me , I enjoy classical very much with that one.
I am only the authority for my ears, not yours. For instance I absolutely adore the 65-90 dollar Artti R1, sound is only a part of why Iā€™ll keep them long time.
Because you asked, I do consider the Doscinco an overall upgrade to the 145.