šŸ”¶ ZiiGaat Doscinco

thanks for the findings, Cinco it is then

Iā€™m a casual so your guyā€™s words are helpful when deciding stuff like that lol

I oughta start learning how to listen properly soon


Agreed, they sound very thin and a little sucked out. Itā€™s a shame. I remember hearing my fathers cassettes of Zeppelin when I was younger, it was completely different.

Dude, itā€™s a real struggle. I took out the Zeppelin songs from my test playlist just because it always added so much time to my impressions sessions lol

Iā€™d like to make a real personal target one day for sure, but just like you said, one month ago I probably would say something different if you asked me what my preferences are lol Iā€™m always so surprised when someone has the same target for years and years - I couldnā€™t do it!


You really outta line up graphs at 450-500 as the mids there are most likely all flat and not dipped.tucked,or boosted. The 1Khz unified lineup can create a lot of ā€œwtfā€ moments.
Variations eats bass guitar neither Ziigaat really do.

Isettled on 450 personally because the amount of loss on Bonhams Kick drum intro is nearly fully muted on OG Monarch and a bit better on Variations but not ideal
IMO w/my library :+1:

I use this guy in my vids and credit him cuz Zep would take down my vid :sleepy:


Agreed - I always line up graphs at 500, my brain can understand whatā€™s happening when I do that. Once I line it up at 1000, nothing makes sense to me lol


shun of a bitch I knew I was forgetting something, I only just recently learned about using that on squig too lol

Apparently switching from Super review to yours goes from normalized 500 to 1k lol

just took the time to a/b UP and Vari to that track woooooo the UP is frickin sweeeeet

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It is incredible what the OG Monarch does to that introā€¦wild proof of concept for bass tuck deniersā€¦there were some back when OG came out but not in 2024


LOL now thatā€™s a bass tuck. The OG Monarch gave me the fizz when I first heard them, chills and goosebumps all over but thereā€™s no denying the effect of that tuck.

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Can anyone compare Doscinco to Z300?
I found the bass on Z300 to be overall too warm and bleeding into the mids a little. Is the Doscinco similar? On graph it has more bass and less upper treble to balance it out.


IMO, the bass on the Dos is fairly well controlled, but it does add a touch of warmth to the entire mix to my ears. Not muddy by any means, but a little warm.


Just imo but I think the warmth is due to the 3khz region being low since most sets are higher there. nce you get used to it though then it sounds neutral but with hard hitting bass


Yeah, I can see that too. Itā€™s not about 1 particular point on the FR, but the sound youā€™re hearing is a culmination of all the details, peaks and valleys etc. The lower pinna plus the tuning in the 300-400 hz region is most likely the cause of the added warmth. Good point, dude


Agreed, my preferences have been all over the place.

I hadnā€™t even considered how close the graphs are, that would be a great example of graphs lying to us. I agree with @domq422 , they are both lean a bit warm, but otherwise not that much in common.


It is a bit of an apple-to-oranges comparison since it is a single DD vs 2DD+3BA.


How is compare with Moondrop Variations?

Doscinco vs cinocotres, which has rich, lush and overall better vocals (both male and female)?

Check out my review comparison between the two sets, I hope itā€™ll help!

Short answer; the Doscinco is warmer for sure.


Im looking to get either the Doscinco or the Cincotres as an upgrade to my Tangzu Fudu. My Fudu Slams and has lots of bass quantity but the texture and quality is kinda lacking, in fact i like the bass texture better on my Cinno. This being said, which set has the best bass texture and rumble out of the Doscinco and Cincotres?


Texture is the same on both IMO, and rumble is pretty even as well; itā€™s just a question of whether you want more warmth and midbass at the expense of clarity in the lower mids, or if you want a cleaner sound with less warmth. Someone else will have to make the specific Fudonand Cinno comparisons as I have had neither.


If you want a DIRECT upgrade to the Fudu, I say the Shozy Form 1.1 would be it. But seeing as how @John_W_Clark is still waiting for his unitā€¦guess I should not recommend it.


Iā€™d agree with @Sonofholhorse here and say that the texture is about the same on both, however, comparing it to the Fudu is hard for me because I havenā€™t heard them in months now.

The Sub-bass rumble is about the same on both sets as well (talking the Doscinco and Cincotres). The real difference is located in the lower mids and mid-bass with the Doscinco having more warmth and less defined mid-bass punch but an overall higher quantity. The Cincotres has more ā€˜popā€™ and punch in the mid-bass when it comes to kicks, but less overall quantity, resulting in maybe a touch more texture. But itā€™s negligible when it comes to the texture department. I go into more detail in my write-up for sure.