🔶 ZiiGaat Doscinco

Hello, I’m considering buying this as an endgame for hip hop and trance music. I prefer listening at medium to low volumes most of the time. Is the bass still nice on lower volumes? Also if you have any other recommendations for my situation from 300euro and lower they are welcome.


Welcome to HFGF :smiley:


Thank you for having me. Never heard this one before, I’ll check some reviews, thank you.

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It’s launching in 7 days. There are no independent reviews of it yet, but there are a few impressions if you know where to look. It’s looking very very good so far.


Yeah… I think I’m gonna wait a bit more before I pull the trigger on anything.

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I would take a good look at the Aful Explorer as well. I’ll be publishing my review either tonight or tomorrow after I take some pics. I believe for what you’re looking for, it’s a great option! But the Deuce is also a great option as well.


I have seen all reviews i could find on youtube on Explorer. It was my first choice tbh, but i decided to spend more money to get something that looked like an upgrade with better upper frequency and more air and not buy anymore iems for a long time. I would have bought the Doscinco already but i got scared because of the issues with the QC changing the sound signature, that people above have stated. I might just get the explorer for now and save money. I dont know what to do tbh.

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Good instinct of course. But you would be missing out on few pre-order goodies if you wait.

My gut says the Deuce is one of the safest bets in a while.

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I agree with you it looks like a safe bet and i like HBB’s music taste too. The thing is that if i order from their site it will come from Thailand(outside Eu) and i will get destroyed on taxes and import fees. I estimate i will go from 227euro retail price to 300+. Also im afraid it might be a one trick pony like the Hades, so i guess i’ll wait on that one. I really want to get the Doscinco which from my understanding has amazing bass but is also more open and versatile from like the Aful explorer. But I’m kinda skeptical of the whole driver flex issue mentioned above.

If I’m being honest, the Doscinco on the whole is good but not exceptional. This hobby moves very quick. It’s got very good bass but a little middling in every other metric.

From looking at the graph only, Deuce has arguably a better balance in the bass. I can tell you that I and many found the Doscinco mid-bass to somewhat cloud the mids. It’s also very smooth in the pinna and is level with the treble. This makes the vocals a little buried in the mix and cause some treble spice once you raise the volume.

To consider further is that FatFreq are known for their bass tech. You also get the benefit of having dynamic driver timbre which is more natural sounding 9 times out of 10.

If you are really bent on going the Doscinco route, why not spend $30 more for Estrella to get the whole package? :slight_smile:


Wow that looks really nice tbh. But I think i am more of a mid bass punch guy even though i definitely like the sub bass rumble. Btw when i’m searching it on squiglink nothing shows up for me for some reason i didn’t know there is a graph posted. Also the Estrella is on my radar but i’m not sure if it will have as good of a bass as the Doscinco, and i dont have access to it anyway same as the Deuce i’ll have to wait for it to come to European shops to avoid the import fees. Do you know what driver configuration the Deuce has btw?

Here you go, straight from the source! :sunglasses:

HBB Database

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WOW thank you so much!!


Now that i have the graphs for the Estrella too to compare i think you might be on to something with this one!! I think im gonna get the explorer for now and wait till the end of the year and get something more high end after considering these new releases.


Really smart strategy imo. The Explorer is unique in its price bracket because you can listen very loud on it, so there is little chance that it will become redundant to you.


It’s always good to expand your searches and broaden your horizons with different price points, but, more money doesn’t always equal better performance and when you look at this hobby over the last year or so I feel like the sets around $100-$200 are some of the best value out there. I’d probably say that the absolute sweet spot for the hobby right now is around $300-$400, coming down from $500-$600 like it was a few years back. At the $300 price point, you can cover pretty much all of your bases from vocals, to treble, to basshead ect. ect. There are always going to be the specialists sets that give you the best of the best with honors, sir but they carry eye watering prices in the 4 figures most of the time. For the most part though, you should be good around $300.

With that being said, the Explorers are a very very safe pick and if you’re looking for a mid-bass experience, that’s the one set that jumps out at me immediately. According to @GooberBM the ISN Neo 3 is also a contender for that mid-bass punch. He’s a mid-bass aficionado so if you have questions or need recs, he’s a good guy to ask!


I like that. I definitely don’t want to spend 4 figures to get the best of the best. Just a really good set that i enjoy listening most of my music catalog is good enough for me. I can easily see though how this hobby is so addicting for people who like music and a dark hole for wallets. Thank you for the recommendation it looks promising i’ll check some reviews of it. I’ll also keep checking these forums. I found this community yesterday and you guys already have helped a lot, thank you!


If you want one set that’s up in the budget, to do all the things check out impressions and reviews as they come on but Estrella is the One Ring


I mostly use the Doscinco for trance and it is awesome, I EQ more subbass and it responds really well. I also listen to low volumes and I get a lot of punch and slam regardless. I use a Hiby R6 III, low gain (there is mid and high) and volume stay around 35 average, never higher than 37, I know its hard to relare but just to give you a reference.

I pre-ordered the Fatfreq HBB Deuce and should be able to compare once I receive it. Might take a few weeks though.


No offense, but this might be more hyperbole than the Penon crew on H***-fi and some of the other FOTM clubs. I am sure that Jay’s Estrella is a fine IEM and very competitive at its price range. But, I run the other way when I read these type of gushing posts. I have read years of hype on numerous forums about some new IEM being the “everything” IEM. I have become completely jaded. Sorry

I am going to take a hiatus from audio forums. I am done.