šŸ”¶ 7HZ Timeless Planar

Hey everyone, so I remember some people saying these are good with electronic music so just want to check if anyone has listened to this

How does it sound on the timeless?

Another really, really positive reviewā€¦ :partying_face::tada:

Tomorrow itā€™ll be here after about a month ā€œin transitā€ (half of it in customs)ā€¦ :crossed_fingers::nerd_face:


Does anyone know if the Timeless will fit into the case of Fiio UTWS5/3? They seem so much bigger than regular IEMs.

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No sure about that case but here are the rough dimensionsā€¦


Not a positive review, but a great point of reference regarding whether or not MRSā€™s preference overlaps with your own


But not a negative one either :man_shrugging: Itā€™s all down to personal preferencesā€¦what do you prefer out of an IEM? timbre, imaging, soundstage, musicality/fun the list goes on but at the end of the day imho Itā€™s a great way to spend 200 bucks if you have a large varied library and just enjoy listening to musicā€¦youā€™ll never please all the people all the time :+1:


even a neutral review for the 7hz is somewhat refreshing at this point :smiley:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Good audio reviewers and ones to stay far far away from

My Timeless has burned in a bit now. Itā€™s a bit getting your couch pillow a bit soft from laying on it too long. The seperation and clarity got better. Dynamic range got better. The clarity and speed is soo good. I watched the new Dune movie using my Timeless. Sounded perfect. No background music is sibilant or even overlays the voices too much.

If you own foam tips, try them out on your Timeless. They improve soundstage. Suddenly you got a really wide soundstage.


Iā€™ve found that I like the Timeless best with wide-bore tips; personal best results with Xelastecs and Spiral Dots so far.


Yes, they just about fit.

ā€¦ theyā€™re finally in my earsā€¦! :slight_smile:

Currently trying out a variety of music via my Hiby R5s.

EDIT: Only did a little tip rolling but Iā€™m actually liking the (large version of the) included dark/non-sticky silicone tips. They remind me of the tips that come with the Shuoer Tapeā€™s in texture (physical).

Also, ā€œLorde - Tennis Courtā€ sounds really good on them! :open_mouth:

EDIT2: I was actually using the yellow (large) SpinFit CP100ā€™sā€¦ :smiley:


Howā€™s stage imaging on that lorde album?

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Iā€™ll try to compare with the Teaā€™sā€¦ :slight_smile:

Hold onā€¦ :wink:

Teas will murder it in stage and imaging, like they do with most 300usd stuff. Iā€™m just asking if itā€™s ā€œokā€ or it boggles ur mind :stuck_out_tongue:

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Mind isnā€™t boggled, but it seems kinda differentā€¦ :slight_smile:

Canā€™t quite describe it, yetā€¦ :slight_smile:

EDIT: Listening to ā€œLetterā€ by Yosi Horikawa it seems to me like the soundstage is very narrow and in between the ears.

EDIT2: Larry Carltonā€™s ā€œFingerprintsā€ album sounds absolutely stunning on the Timelessā€¦ :open_mouth:


Thatā€™s pretty much what youā€™ll find tbhā€¦Iā€™ve been experimenting with Amazons Dolby Atmos albums and after some mental burn :grimacing::upside_down_face: Iā€™m getting to love it especially on Timelessā€¦the new Tori Amos Ocean to Ocean albumā€™s dope with Atmos :+1:


Yeah, Iā€™m already warming up to itā€¦ :+1::sunglasses:

Some kind of burn-in is involved and itā€™s probably in between the drivers somewhereā€¦ :nerd_face:


Good grief, the bass reach when listening to ā€œBlue Mondayā€ by Health!!!