Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 1)


Yeah it had to be done to not waste the benefits of the 02 driver. 9 tries 3 shells and went with a wider bore and diff filter to keep the upper treble energy.
This is a better fitting 02 for $99 v.s. $270+


Iā€™m in - that finish on the Olina looks mint! Any teasers on faceplate colours you might be able to share?


Iā€™m waiting for final samples.

The 2nd pic shows the reflection of the corner because of polish finish but quality of image is meh. I will have em in hand soon


That middle one is giving me EJ07m faceplate vibes


I feel sorry for Tanchjim ā€“ their lineup is being made redundant! First Hana 2021 and now the O2.


I doubt haha, thereā€™s a reason why O2 is a single DD classic. I think just the same driver in a different shell alone will create a difference albeit the similarity in the FR (things that donā€™t show on FR, like timbre, stage, imaging). People who are looking for TOTL single DD under $500 will still look towards Oxygen as their priority.


What? itā€™s the same driver in a metal shell. If spending $278 dollars makes ya feel like it sounds betterā€¦enjoy


Itā€™s not rocket Science


I didnā€™t :joy:

Hence why Iā€™m waiting for Olina so I could get a taste of the O2 driver. I based that statement on the reputation that O2 has out there. But on a reasonable note, I might wait for more reviews to come in before the purchase, simply because I have to many IEMs already. I hope the reviews will prove my predictions wrong :call_me_hand:

I successfully recced at least 3 sets of Mele to friends and families, you know :sunglasses:

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Maybe - but depends on a number of factors of course. Iā€™m willing to bet with the sprinkling of HBB tuning sauce itā€™ll be better for my library than the O2 (caveat being I havenā€™t heard the O2), but at less than half the price Iā€™m happy to make the jump.

Iā€™m hyped to see what 2022 brings us next in terms of multi-DD IEMs - ngl I so want the UM Project X to be something like a 3DT x HBB :crossed_fingers: :boom:


HBB already has a 3DD coming up :raised_hands:


Enjoy what you got.
Lotta my viewers cannot afford $250+
This is identical driver
Aluminum shell
Same tuning

Instead of tweaking a set , this is ripping the guts out of a well reviewed set because it is publicly for sale so I can watch folks bend over and snap their spine trying to come up with bullshit to deny the simple reality is some kinda unknown bullshit

I am going to enjoy this and so are a lotta folks I know


Enjoy bro and ignore B.S.
If I couldā€¦
Take the U12t drivers and put them in the same material shell and tune the sameā€¦
it would be fucking U12tā€™s


Yep - but the UM 3DT is a next level step-up over the DQ6 (although Iā€™ll probably end up buying it too). But Olina will be first - already have a DQ6 as my beater set.


Well, interesting to be called B.S. :sweat_smile:

Plus, did I say I didnā€™t enjoy Mele or would not purchase Olina? I think not. I didnā€™t discredit anything mate, just being real as a consumer. Iā€™ll be glad if Olina replaces O2 in post sale numbers in the long run; even better if Olina sounds just like O2, if not better. O2ā€™s price tag is the reason why itā€™s on my wishlist and never purchased.


Yeah true. I wish more people reviewed Penon Serial - thatā€™s a 3DD and consumers with both 3DT and Serial are saying they prefer Serial.

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If I called you B.S. Iā€™d quote you bro. :+1:
I am speaking in general.
People are going to have to twist hard to call Olina something at $99 when they
called 02 top class and I cloned it.

Not talking to you or Iā€™d quote you

And thanks for Buying Mele :pray:


Unlisted till I put a close up vid on twitter I can pin under in comments cuz folks wanna see stuff up close


Yeah, me too - I have less than zero trust in the author of the only review I could find, plus itā€™s Penon and my one and only experience of shopping with them was less than stellar (it was only for some O2 filters and they still managed to fuck it up).

I think @rattlingblanketwoman has/had(?) a set though so could maybe chip in :+1:


I liked them. The usual Penon brand of darkness (something about the sub-bass extension and perhaps upper mids or treble). Wasnā€™t sure about how sub-bass feels (compared to the biocellulose diaphragm in the Aladdin) and for me the main issue was where I listened to some bass guitar and it was just missing some detail/feel that I just have to have. Overall a very good coherent tuning, and fantastic timbre. My favorite Penon set, Iā€™m not usually a fan of theirs but keep trying them for some reason. Hopefully this wasnā€™t too off-topic to answer here. But it made me enthusiastic for a well tuned 3DD set, after the 3DT which was really not my tuning preference.


I just saw 3DD mentionedā€¦itā€™s 2022 and Iā€™m still waiting for a multi-DD + EST set from a respected brand. Wouldnā€™t that be a great collaboration project @hawaiibadboy ?