đŸ”¶ TANCHJIM Oxygen

They are not.

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I edited my post above to mention that my Sora Light are vent modded.

To my ears they are very close except for soundstage.
I will have them graphed soon so I can find out if my ears are telling me lies.

Are they single DD?

Hybrid: 10mm DD + piezo ceramic tweeter that they call VST

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Wow, didn’t know the person who tuned BLON BL03 had a role in tuning the Oxygen! Thoughts On...Tanchjim Oxygen - YouTube


What do you think about HBB’s Olina project? It promises to have the exact same driver as Oxygen. With the same tuning and sound as Oxygen, for 1/3 of the price.

Link: https://forum.hifiguides.com/t/bad-guy-good-audio-rankings-and-stuff-under-construction/16287/6253

My o2 will arrive by the end of the month. I’m from Brazil and there’s a long postal journey between China and here. I will basically listen to metal and hardrock. But I also like listening to jazz subgenres, progressive, instrumental, etc.

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Olá amigo! Is O2 your first IEM? I don’t listen to those genres so I can’t comment much.

I would wait for reviews for the Olina. Just because it’s the same driver actually does not mean it will sound the same. There are many IEMS and full sized headphones that share drivers and some of them are great and some of them are trash. If it is a cheaper O2 that would be awesome. I love the O2 and if more people can try it that would be great! I just have my doubts.



You know this hobby is subjective and tribal. You know that right?
People like things because they like the influencer. Sad but true.
That’s a graph.
Inside is a driver. Folks will open it.
It’s the same one.


I’ve had several IEM’s in the last 2 years. hybrids and single dd, with Aria being what I liked the most overall.

I will just repeat what I already said, there are many, many IEMs and headphones that have the exact same drivers in them but some sound great and other sound like trash. I hope your IEM is a cheaper O2 but I am perfectly allowed to have my doubts.
I didn’t mention you once in my post, so do not think my opinion is based on you or your reputation, because it is not. I am basing my OPINION on past experiences. I never stated anything was a fact so please calm down. We should all be allowed to doubt whatever we want.
Again, I hope it is a cheaper O2. It’s my favorite overall IEM and I want more people to experience its unique holographic qualities.


I just asked a question :man_shrugging:

You are among friends though
so relax :wink:


No you’re not, if you really want to do this.
Product’s not even out yet and here you are making enemies and not allowing people the benefit of the doubt, AS A CUSTOMER.

If you really want to do this, and screenshot me just because I liked his rational comment, I ain’t scared to confront too.

Daddy chill.
No one said we wouldn’t like Olina; I don’t see why you’re getting all aggressive and offensive now.


You all seem aggressive.
I asked a question.
You seem kinda stressed though :sweat_smile:


We’ll let the folks around be the judge :sunglasses: :ok_hand:
And don’t edit your comment.

This exact mentality has got you all tensed up mate.

I am not stressed about this. My life will not change one bit if your IEMs succeed or fail. But I bet almost everyone on this Forum has criticize an audio project, but how many times has someone involved with the product responded to a post with in minutes with a graph, telling you you are wrong? You need to let your products speak for themselves.

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Nobody said you were wrong.
I asked you a question.

That was not rude at all.


In my OPINION, it was. MY OPINION does not have to be the same as YOUR OPINION. YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?
When I first saw the post about the IEM I was doubtful but excited. I also thought the silver/blue one looks pretty good, but after these interactions with you, I will not buy anything that you collaborate on now. I guess you “influencers” can’t all be as good as Crin, and just let your products do the talking for you.

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