Bad Guy Good Audio Rankings and stuff (under construction) (Part 2)

for all you pet junkies…

Finally have a chum in my house…first Tribble since I lost my boy several months back…

a friend passed and the cat needed a new home…I intended to foster Rory before placing him at first because I prefer to start off with a kitten but I knew going in that wasn’t goin to happen…so

he’s gonna hang out with me for the long haul…but he is almost 14 so…you know


God bless you bro.
Handsome boy. You did real good :heart:


thank you my Yakuza Otōto…in case anyone didn’t know and for anyone interested…that’s HBB on the right


Chris…you have a big heart and HBB is an acronym that is unjustifiable to describe you…maybe Hawaiian Boisterous Boy

I had to take Rory in…my heart wouldn’t let me live otherwise…it’s a win/win situation for both of us

no matter how fucked up my day went…my previous friend meeting me at the door everyday put everything into perspective on how trivial most things in life are…

plus I need a buddy to help ward off the incessant all out attacks from my wife and her ferrets


Hey HBB and all,

Long time lurker and subscriber. I have a question. I currently use the Noble Spartacus as my daily drivers, mostly for EDM/reggeaton, and although I really enjoy them (love the energy and bass), the small upgrade itch is bearing its head. Specifically since I run them mostly from my Ifi go blue with the xbass button on. In your opinion, having listened to them, is there a viable upgrade to the energetic and lively Spartacus that fits my music library, which would give me the same bass response (or better) but without the xbass turned on? I’m willing to go up to $4k on this. Many thanks!

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Assuming that xbass does this across all iems.

The bass shelf with it on the Spartactus should look something like this.
(low shelf: 40hz, Q: 0.4, gain: 10db)

So perhaps one of these will do?


Saw this on the latest CJ vid. FatFreq doing metal shells now? black and gold, a popular colour way for the high end lately but for good reason, looks pretty sweet. Keeping the bass dressed in metal dream alive.

That stage module is giving me Uhura ear piece vibes but I dig it.


Are those volume wheels sticking out of the faceplate? :joy:


or tuneable bass would have been cool. I think JH audio had something like that on their cables a while back. Now if they could only figure out how to make the whole thing rattle…that would be :fire: :exploding_head:

I think the direct upgrade to Spartacus is the FiR RN6

It is a tuning module which is called the Superstage module which is intended to widen the soundstage. Apparently this IEM comes with three different types of plugin modules which physically interact with the ports at the bottom of the holes on the shells into which they are inserted.



Congratulations on a successful trip around the sun with your boy!


I only had time to A/B a few songs, but they are similar-ish. The Cinno is more vocal forward, and the bass doesn’t have the presence the Explorer gives it. I really noticed the sub-bass more on Explorer, more than the graph would indicate, and I think that makes it sound a bit warmer.

In a case of graphs not telling the whole story. I give you this.

Based on the graph the S08 is another reduced treble set, but if throw it in the mix, it sounds far brighter than the other two. The only region that graphs like more, is 1-3kHz. I am still trying to put my thoughts together on the S08, it just got here Saturday, and I didn’t have much listening time over the weekend.

We have two cats, the older one ( Pumpkin ) needed a home because the woman that had him got busted for too many cats. He was already 9 at the time, and that was a decade ago. He has been family for a long time, and when the grandkids show up, my wife and I get a hug, then they go to pet him, and the younger cat ( who was a rescue as a kitten ).


Hey bro

There ya go…enjoy.

Thank you bro :ok_hand: :heart:


Probably cuz it is a planar and I suspect it has a faster attack/decay than the other 2. (and possibly thinner note-weight.)


what up bros, how’s it been, I’m still in hibernation lol

only back since I want a DAP, R4 is sick but 10 hour battery life is wack

Probs gonna pause my Scarlet Mini and buy an R4 and M300


Isn’t m300 also a dap with weaker output?

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Thanks for taking the time to generate the comparison graphs! The grand Maestro has been on my top 3 prospects, along with the FIR Radon 6 and Canpur CP622B. Due to the size of the shells I might have to make the drive to New Jersey to test them out!


The sequin styling still needs to be learned, but it’s not bad already)


Jezus…that looks pretty dope :boom: