IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I have not used softwear crossfead that much but did try the one that comes with the Chord Mojo 2 for a decent amount of time.

Personally, don’t care much for it and have mostly preferred to turn it off.

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Not too sure about crossfeed but Amazons Atmos/3D whatever you call it is wack with IEM’s not tried HP’s :sleeping: and if you have a dope 2 speaker set up why would you?.. :thinking:


And done, Mext should arrive in ~6 days.

Are there any tip recommendations for it? For me, most of the times, the stock tips fit just fine so I have not invested in aftermarket tips much. I have the Spinfit CP360, Final Type-E, Azla Sednaearfit Standard and some random generic tips.

I’ve heard good things about CP145 tips, should I get those if I have CP360 or maybe is it better to invest in some other tips like W1, Spring, Tanchjim T-APB…

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I use HeSuVi on top of PEACE/EQ APO just to use HeSuVi’s version of crossfeed (I skip the setup process for 7.1 after install, and then install for each DAC in the configurator.) Found it superior to Jan Meier and XFEED for the Soekris 2541. I use it for better center density for vocals (and older recordings) with my headphones, never found it ideal for IEMs though YMMV.


My thoughts as well in terms of crossfeed for IEMs.

Qudelix has some form of crossfeed algorithm. Not sure which one. Seems fine for headphones but mostly made them seem less wide which I didn’t prefer.


Sometimes, I just hate this hobby. Can I say so? Cause I mean it!


You want me to serve your crow cold or hot?

Whatever makes it go down easier when you eat it!


Oooh shit! Does anybody else smell smoke?

…cause somebody just got burned! :fire::fire::fire::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I’ll see myself out.


Hi. No more impressions about the Prestige? A review from normal users is still missing.

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Seems like Knowles won against Bellsing.

Dunno the effect it will have for Chifi in the US though.
(kinda hard to enforce this ban I think.)


I have been super busy attending to last minute details and business before I head out on tour on Monday so I just haven’t gotten around to posting something yet. I definitely will though and I’ll try to do it today or tomorrow. :+1:


This comment was probably unintended to be cool as f*** but it is.

Good luck on tour, dude :call_me_hand:


Unfortunately, I almost never intend to be cool as f*ck and when I do it rarely works out lol! :joy:

Thanks bro! I’m looking forward to this one for sure. Having a break has been fun, but I’ve been getting a bit restless to get this started. The next few years are going to be cool. It’s time to see if we’re gonna make the next big step/leap with this tour and a new album. Exciting times ahead! :metal::sunglasses:


Aye, you guys got this - all the good vibes for you and your band, my brother :call_me_hand: I have no doubt that you have the passion, the percussionist drives the band in my opinion so I know you’ll bring ‘em down the road of success :sunglasses:


Alright I have to ask, sorry if I’ve missed it or you’d rather not say. What band are you in? I feel like it’s a white elephant in the room and I’m the only one who doesn’t see it. Completely understand if you’d rather not say. Maybe that’s the Anonymous part of your user name.


Actually, I already explained once that my record company gets to control all of our internet and social media output so anything not controlled by them has to remain private from the general public or anonymous. They included this in our contract because of an incident I had on a drum forum years ago where I criticized a product from a certain drum equipment manufacturer that I had an endorsement contract with at the time endorsing a different product line. Folks on the forum that knew who I was blew it up and it ended up becoming a much bigger deal than it ever should have. It cost me that contract and when we moved from our last label to our current, bigger label they insisted on the ability to control my band’s and its member’s public internet and social media presence. They also get to review my anonymous interactions every now and again to make sure I’m following the rules.

For instance, I can’t post on headfi right now because they are reviewing that account again (2nd time in 3 months) because of some problems I had with someone over there. When I do business on the internet I don’t use my name or address. I use the name and address of someone I trust who has volunteered to allow me to do so. Well, unfortunately someone over there was discussing me with someone I did business with and was given the name and address I used in a transaction. This person looked it up on facebook and Google and started sending messages to the account of the friend whose info I use about how he was gonna tell everyone who I really am. It was childish nonsense caused by someone with far too much time on their hands and nothing constructive or positive to do with it.

It has nade me rethink posting on headfi in the future and I’m not sure I will go back to using it. I’m hoping that since HFG seems so much more normal and welcoming that I won’t have any keyboard warriors trying to play detective to deal with here. I like being able to unwind and talk gear, music, and life here and I’ll continue to do so as long as you guys are cool with me being around. Also, I promise you, I’m not some rockstar household name. I’m a dude who drums and writes songs for a moderately successful and thankfully growing/progressing indie rock band. I wish I was hiding some cooler and jucier identity, but I’m not lol! :joy:

Anyways, I know it’s annoying and I’m sorry. I will try to refrain from mentioning band related stuff from now on so it doesn’t become a big deal and I’m sorry I wasn’t smarter and didn’t do that from the start. I get comfortable and I forget to be as guarded as I probably should be. I’m also sorry for the novel. :joy::metal::sunglasses:

Edit: Spelling and also I realized that maybe I only explained on headfi and over some PMs so I might not have explained here at all. I’m sorry if that’s the case. I can be a bit forgetful and I apologize if I was inconsiderate enough to never explain.


Man I appreciate the in-depth response. Sorry I missed the initial explanation. The intrigue is somewhat cool. On one hand you could be up and coming and and on the other already be super famous. Yet either way your just chilling with us Joe Schmo here talking with us about gear and music. No offensive taking by me when you bring it up.


This forum is 1000x better than the Shillers on HeadFi myself included LOL


You’ll know if I become a true rockstar because then I won’t have to agree to social media babysitting in my contract anymore lol! Thanks for being understanding, bro. :grin:


In tribute I am listening to S&M 2 right now!

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