IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

This was fun to watch

I don’t know about the other IEMs on that video besides the BL-01 and BL-03, but if I am going to choose one as quick as I can? No question I will always take the BLON BL-03 with me in heart beat, of course as long as the stock tips and cable are replaced with Final Audio E Types and a Yinyoo cable.

I am not sure about the BL-01 though, for some say they are the proper upgrade from the BL-03 which I highly doubt, and some said to get most out of it, you need an amp for the BL-01, which I don’t have to do with my BL-03. I’ll see though once I have the chance to get a pair for myself.

no, there is still no true replacement for the 03,

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Currently playing with original FH5 from Fiio (not new FH5S) I just got and to my surprise they are very sensitive in response to the standard Apple lightening DAC adapter paired with my iOS devices. Just at 1 click volume it is loud and 2-3 too loud. Volume range does not scale well and is pretty short.

Not sure what I should do. Get IEMatch, dac/amp or exchange for different IEMs.

Anyone ever struggled with wired IEMs on iOS devices and figured out how to deal with it?

dowload an equalizer app,
reduce the gain to reduce the output volume,

something like this, -4dB

Look for an app that have something like “Gain”, “Preamp”, “System Volume”

That is what I am saying as well, the BL-03 are just that good! There is no replacement for it for now but there is a sidegrade for it imo which I also love wearing all the time right now, and that would be the BLON BL-05S, and not the BL-05 without the S, because those were a let down.

Did you mod your 03 ?
try to get this, Moondrop kxxs/spaceship filter, ostry tuning eartips, micropore,
it’s so smooth,
if you listen to Kpop/Jpop/EDM,
or any music with really bright vocal,

KPop? not a fan of it, JPop? I am more of a JRock guy but only a few certain songs that I listen to that falls into that genre and I know this sounds stupid for you, because I don’t know what EDM is. Sound-wise overall I am already fine with my BL-03, but that mod wouldn’t hurt to try.

Maybe you like this one,
I mainly listen to metal songs,

I feel like subdue/less upper mid, less lower treble are great for metal song,
sadly it’s not a mainstream tuning,
latest model often have a peaky upper mid,
it’s hurting my ear,

Sony xba-n3 is the upgrade to the 03. But if you want something closer to the price of the 03, there are none.

You can also mesh mod the 03, which improves it a lot to me.

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Mesh mod? how do you do that?

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Too big for me, so disqualified no matter how it sounds like…

Not much faith in them since they couldnt get good coherency and timbre with just a hybrid anyway…

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I was gonna get those as well, but after being disappointed by both the L4 and the FD5 I figure I’m probably just going to stick with the FH3 for now. Spent the money on new shoes and a bit of clothing instead. I keep looking for upgrades and then be astonished when I put the FH3 in my ears.
Curious to hear your thoughts though.

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I don’t know if you are in the United States, but I happen to know this person selling one:

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I was considering to get the FD5… Why didn’t you like it?

I don’t know why more people don’t think the FH3 can possibly be really as good at it is at its price. The FH3 is awesome.

@Rikudou_Goku has been suggesting this IEM to me for a long time and I needed to use up stuff I have accrued at Linsoul so I thought this would be a good opportunity to check it out. Thanks for the tip though!

Guy’s, guy’s this’s BGGAR’s thread so please keep things relevant to that and any direct questions to Chris…any other IEM banter probably best post here :+1:


Mostly personal stuff. The FD5 has better cohesion, timbre and soundstage than the FH3, but the mids are too recessed for my taste and I think there’s a bit too much upper bass for my liking (not too sure about this, not that good at reviewing yet :P). Also I guess I prefer the incredible imaging of the FH3 over the soundstage of the FD5. The real dealbreaker for me was the shape and weight though, my ears hurt if I wear them too long and I often wear my iems for about 6 hours a day.
The FH3 gives me wow feelings, the FD5 just make me think: these are quite good.

Edit: sorry, I didn’t see the previous message.


Great set,
I own 2 sets of the Lz A7.

I have a fair few recent decent sets from the P1, starfields, shouer, Lz A7 hands down.

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