JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Great - thanks again!

Speaking of Artti and cables -

Has anyone tried their new modular ones? - they have quite a few options:
This one in particular looks similar to the last link @domq422 had and a Xinhs one I just purchased - but L shaped terminations available which is not as common



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I’ve never tried them my self, but those are some fine looking cables for a killer price on both listings. Thanks for the suggestions, I’ve added the 2-Pin to my cart lol


Not sure if you know about the weird thing that IVIPQ does on most of it’s modular cables also where if you buy 3 cables it is like 43% off all of them - stack the coins coupons etc and it’s like $20-25 a cable

Spending too much time on Aliexpress clearly


Xinhs & IVIPQ will change the IEM side terminations for free - so I just buy the modular ones advertised for over-ears and ask to change to a 0.78 2-pin - better for the thicker cable lover / not compensating for anything clearly…



So a lot of people have been hyping these up about how unique and “magical” the sound is, and last time I got my hopes up with the Starfield 2 I was very… disappointed to say the least, so this time going in I set my expectations “correctly”, and I’m glad I did because… it’s kinda mid guys. Go watch the intro lol:

It’s no way bad, but I don’t hear what’s so “unique” about this? If you want unique try the Nightingale - that’s unique - this is just… just adjusted diffuse field with more mid-bass, no? Maybe my unit is different, because some of these do look like completely different sets, some looking a lot different with more drastic peaks and dips that may potentially contribute to the “unique” sound, but my unit is relatively smooth, and it’s probably the same as the one Timmy got. Which is why I came to a similar conclusion as him - it sounds normal… It’s fine.

Very neutral and balanced, slightly warm, things are laid out evenly in front of you; if neutral was white, this would be off-white, this would be beige. It’s a good all-rounder, does most genres very well, no issues, but if you like a more energetic signature like you’re a basshead or treblehead then these are not for you. Bass is fine, lacks some rumble and texture as well as the physicality and weight behind the slam, but the decay is nice and quick, a little bit warm and forward, but ya, it’s fine.

However, I will agree that female vocals are very nice on these, the extra mid-bass gives them that weight behind the voices, while there’s a slight edge and sharpness to the endnotes; there’s a peak around 5-6K like the blessing 3 that adds that little edge and sharpness. But I wouldn’t call the vocals airy or sparkle - it’s a little, but not the most open and extended because they did cut off the 3K gain plus the extra mid-bass makes them a little bit huskier and warm, but again, female vocals are very nice although I’m not hearing the uniqueness and magic behind it like the OG Oracles, OG Dark Magician, or RSV.

The Magic One’s vocals are very natural and clean - “pure”, but it’s not the most airy or resolving to be called special, nor the most open, detailed, and powerful - in-fact male vocals are actually a bit congested from the combination of the extra mid-bass + cutting off the 3K gain, and again the peak around the 5-6K region and 10K+ can make vocals a bit too sharp on some songs rock tracks, especially at higher volumes. I will give props to Aful though, there’s no masking in the 1.5K region which helps with the perceived separation, but male vocals can feel a bit stunted at times.

Treble on the other hand is… fine. My unit is pretty smooth, and I would say it’s a bump over the Aria 2 and EW200 in-terms of extension and detail. Cymbals have a nice, natural, decay to them, not overly airy, and soundstage is average around the same as the others, notes are pretty clear as well as the separation is solid. However, I don’t hear that much reverb to the sound - stage and detail wise it’s a night and day difference when I compare it to the Nightingale, the stage is just so much wider and open, more resolving and detailed on the Nightingale, again if you want a unique sound that would be more unique.

The Magic One is actually closer to the Hexa and Sonus, very vanilla neutral sounding (my unit at least) around the same technical performance as the Hexa, which is impressive given this is only 1BA, and there’s no BA timbre so that’s nice. It reminds of the KARA but with less air and sharper vocals, but at its price the Magic One is harder to recommend… Maybe if it was around $80-100? Don’t get me wrong the cable and design is beautiful, but if you wanted a clean neutral sound then the Nova is just a better version technically for $10 more, and it’s actually cheaper than the Magic One with 11.11 deals right now, so. On the other end you can also grab the Hexa for like half the price, also on sale, and the sound signature is very similar just not as full sounding, vocals aren’t as sharp and forward, but similar level of technical performance if you wanted a neutral set. If you wanted a slightly more engaging and lively sound then the EM6L would be better, more bass and treble energy, a well-tuned slight-v signature without sacrificing the vocals and tech. Then at $40 the EW200 slams harder, more bass but not basshead, has a funner sound, more engaging - obviously not as clear and well separated, but like it’s $40, or you can even get the Sonus if you like that neutral sound for $50 right now.

Overall, I personally don’t get the hype. Vocally, I would still take the Letshuoer DZ4 even though it’s not as sharp and detailed, they just sound more powerful, open, and natural… But I guess if you want the best female vocals, sharp and detailed around $100 then sure these are the best pick. Or if you like the Hexa and that neutral sound but want heavier note-weight and sharpness then again, sure, it’s an upgrade in that regard. So I guess the Magic One is not overpriced in its context as it does address a specific niche and demand in the market. It’s also a pretty cool collector’s set to have since you don’t get many well-tuned single BAs, again, props to AFUL for pulling this off with only 1BA, especially one that looks this beautiful.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Tone: A
Tech: A-
Overall: A-


Anyone compared it to the Ety ER3XR/ER3SE?


not too bad of a rating for something thats mid lol.


Considering the highest is S+ (the way I rank it), A- would be around the middle lol, hence “mid”.

S+, S, S-, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+


haha makes sense. I guess anything lower than a C+ goes straight to the bin!


Yessir :saluting_face: I don’t even recommend any C+ to begin with because the market is just too crazy


After 1BA we expect IEM with 1EST :grinning:


Hahahaha please no


It was a fair and unbiased review. Really enjoyed it. I’ll take that A- overall rating.

Holding back my expectations since I own EPZ 530, beast of a BA set.


I have 530 in da house thanks to @Merhumblegrumble :smirk:

This set’s a beast for jazz and instrumentals dam


Agreed - def found that to be the sweet spot with that set. :headphones:

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Your video worked for me. I only bought the KZ Castor - Black, two cables, and two cases, and still spent under $55 ( on Linsoul, so they might be here before Christmas ). That is my best 11.11 since 2019.

I think the only newer sets taunting me right now is the Kiwi Ears Melody, but I am probably more interested in the ZiiGaat Cinno. I was curious about the Hype2, but the nozzles were too big for me. My small ears have saved me some money in the last few years.


Very cool, have you gotten a chance to compare the 530 to the Neon Pro and Supernova?


Nah still can’t get a hold of one lol

I can loan you mine if you want :+1: