Even the tech-tubers are slamming the hell out of it. It’s releasing way too late with the 4000 series so close on the horizon. The performance increase is negligible, and the price is ridiculous.
And this is coming from a 3090 owner…
Even the tech-tubers are slamming the hell out of it. It’s releasing way too late with the 4000 series so close on the horizon. The performance increase is negligible, and the price is ridiculous.
And this is coming from a 3090 owner…
Jen-Hsun’s ego, essentially. He won’t stand for NVIDIA to not be able to boast as having “the best”, and the 6900XT was beating the 3090 in most 1080p and some 1440p scenarios. There’s also the secondary cash-grab aspect of it. Trying to milk what they can out of Ampere before they launch Lovelace later this year. And with prices finally starting to normalize it gives them an excuse to put a higher MSRP on their flagship card to artificially extend the absurd profits they’ve been enjoying.
Yeah I agree with that statement in terms of ego. Also I am getting fucking sick of those so called “Elitists” who gatekeeps anyone just because most people do not have the luxury, affordability and performance to have the same specs as them. Unironically calling you a “peasant” because of your specs is pretty much the summary that they are one, and I cannot blame some of my friends who does not want to get into PC building due to those pompous skulks, and I, for some time, wanted to get off this hobby but I told myself that I shouldn’t care for them for they are not worth the time, and a majority of the PC owners who has common decency and understanding, knows that the people who are not in the same level as them can in fact enjoy their rigs for they have built it with genuine sentimentality towards them, and I don’t belittle most people’s build for I know there will be someone’s going to be better than mine, unless you’re delusional as those guys I’ve mentioned.
But yeah, overall pointless to be “The Best” for that so called “The Best” will eventually go down for nothing lasts forever on the top, and that pretty much justifies on why the 3090Ti is a waste of time, unless you never had a GPU, but still a bit too expensive when you can go for a better deal.
I agree with you
Nice, but you should post it in the photography post
Ups Didn’t know there’s dedicated thread for photography
Olina been a solid daily driver, just wanna add a pic for everyone to enjoy
you don’t know how important timbre and tone until you hear a perfect one, now everything else is measured against it. Easily is my hd6xx equivalent.
Gear used Sony a73 with TTartisan 40mm f2.8 macro (in super 35 crop, as the lens is for crop sensor). Processed using Snapseed. Truthfully smartphone macro photography is often more than enough, the only advantage of big camera is better gradual transition and creamier bokeh.
No worries man, you can feel free to talk shop in the other post
P.S. ive tried a few of their their lenses they are “ok”, funny thing there is a company called 7artisans, that i think is the same company or at least the same factory
Off-topic but I see you have the Moondrop Springtips. Good set of ear tips right there and it surprisingly fits my ears well bundled with the Katos.
Springtips size is unorthodox (slightly smaller than “standard/typical” tips) and the bore is wide/large, stickier (doesn’t slide out easily), I like it better than spinfits especially paired with Olina and Mele.
Edit: I just realized I post this in computers, I thought it’s in Olina threads , mods just delete my post or move it? Sorry everyone
This is an interesting case. Definitely needs another revision though. Being locked into using the vertical GPU mount with the size of today’s high-end cards is just not the best idea. Would also like to see the option of side-mounting a 360mm AIO, and not just 240mm/280mm.
It’s a very interesting case, i like the idea of a more “panoramic” case rather than just a square box, though im not 100% sure if im sold on the design language of this one, but im pretty sure one of the bigger manufactures will probably also try something similar if it gets enough traction
I hope Gamers Nexus run it through the gauntlet soon to see how it does in terms of thermals but it looks pretty beefy even if the GPU fairly close side panel, though i expect a lot of folks who buy this case go full water cooling for the CPU and GPU.
The hickup i have with this case is the lack of storage, 2 drive caddies are not enough and adding a few mounting holes would have been great
AMD must have watched Steve’s 11900K review and decided that they couldn’t stand to be second fiddle to Intel, good or bad.
Well shit, that was a damn faceplant for AMD but hey at least you got to thank them for releasing the 5000 series back then for it fired up the competition for Intel to not go complacent and finally improve upon their Alder Lake series.
But yeah, so far, AMD has been taking a lot of loses lately but hey competition is good for I don’t want to stick one brand and be loyal on it, for quite frankly brand loyalty is overall gobshite, I mean stupid.
To be fair i think its most of their attention and resources are focused on the 7000’s series, while these still suck as a product its probably just leftover silicon they have they are trying to clean out while Zen 2 is still “somewhat” relevant, same thing with the 6500XT - just leftover silicon they were trying to unload.
For the money, it is not a bad chip as a “last upgrade” to a Ryzen 2nd or 3rd Gen machine.
I like GN for their methodology in investigating until they are at the absolute bottom of it, their opinion on products is sometimes a bit odd to me though.
I’m not sure I can agree with that. Performance wise, it’s no better than a 2700X, and you can find those used for under $150. That’s a 4-year old CPU. Or you can get a used R5 3600 for nearly as cheap and be nearly as good as, or better, than the 2700X. The only thing I could see the 4500 offering is better memory compatibility, what with it being a monolithic die.
I still want to wait for next gen to decide what platform to build my next rig with. I can do upgrades to my first gen Ryzen system, but for that next BIG step requiring a change in platforms, I want to see what’s about to come our way, and see if they can kick it back into gear.
Well either way if you are coming from 1st gen ryzen aside from the storage GPU and maybe RAM you’ll go for new stuff, so dont sweat it too much. That being said going for used once next gen hits well give you the best bang for buck - in most cases its a 15 to 20% up lift, but you can get things used or “last gen” for 25-40% less than the new gen - I bough my 5800X for 300$ new, just had to wait for when 12th gen came out (also it was black Friday),
I mean… Golden sample 1600. I can go 4.1Ghz @ 3.3V stable. If I push the voltage up higher (about 1.4V) and keep things nice and chilly, I can go 4.125Ghz, though that’s really pushing the limits. Biggest thing I wanna upgrade is the one thing everyone but scalpers, bots, and miners have been struggling to get their hands on, as I’m running a RX 570 4GB. Otherwise, 2x8GB CL15(?) RAM. I’d like to repurpose this thing into an HTPC or home media server once I build the next one.