To those who were interested in these, Monoprice has some of them open-box on sale for 449, on top of the 449 you can get 15% off using the code ex15 bringing them to 382+shipping.
Same code applies to the open box M1070, listed at $287.99, bringing the total to $244.79
Are these headphones dark? seems like all the monoprice headphones are dark
I only have the M1070 for reference, and yes I’d say they lean dark, but that tends to be my preference.
Have you done a review or write up on those?
I would like to learn more about them.
I have not…have been enjoying just listening for pleasure too much to do much critical listening. Here’s the link to the official thread, though (first time trying to link to a thread, so hope it works). I will say that I prefer the sound with the Dekoni Elite Velour pads over the stock (PU?) leather.
large_orange_diamond Monolith M1070
Headphones [Official] Open Back
Dec '19 - This is the official thread for the Monolith M1070 This thread is for discussion and reviews. image Type: Over Ear Amp recommended: Yes Open Back…
Just rebought these for 380 and did a little arts and crafts. I liked em enough to rebuy them, but only at a lower price. Like I said earlier I didnt want to do TLC on a $600 Headphone.
How’d you do this?
Also what parts do i need for this swap?
Audeze headband of your choice, a set of the audeze yokes and dremel or file. All you need to do is take out the stock headband and yokes, then widen the holes enough on the audeze yokes so that you can fit the monolith pins into the audeze holes
This looks great! Thanks for sharing!
Does this improve the comfort and sturdiness?!? (At least enough to justify the cost)
How did it improve comfort/weight? I am getting a pair delivered Dec 22, and was planning on putting the HiFiman 560 V2 headband on it. Also planning on opening them up and switching the pins on the mini xlr jacks so it will take standard cables.
It gives you a better seal to be honest, the cheap metal bending was not ideal so this provides a more consistent fit/feel.
it did improve comfort a good bit, the additional yaw movement from the yokes + the increased clamp gave a better seal.
@auxx gave a prey good reply here…
However, here are a few other things I would add. You could Dremel out the holes to match the holes of the M1570 headband, but that was more work than I was wanting to put in.
So, what I did was just used a 5 mm drill bit, which gives a fairly snug fit. (The set I used is available HERE) Also, a 0.9 mm hex key is needed to remove the screws holding in the pins to the yokes as well.
Also, another thing I have not seen mentioned before is you will also need to remove the stop pin on the yokes as well. I did this with a pair of side cutters, and then filed it down till smooth.
Another thing to note about the yokes is that the short side of the yoke goes towards the front of the headphone and the screw tab needs to be pointed towards the outside of the headphone.
Also, just for clarification on the rods, the philips head screw goes into the toothed washer, through the screw tab on the yoke, and into the completely round end of the rod. The flattened end on the rod is what actually go through the headband, and then the slotted screw goes on the top end of the rod. (HERE is a pretty decent video showing this)
One more quick clarification, here are the 4 screws that you have to remove to get the driver out to reach the yoke pins.
Here’s my final product…
Wow! This really does feel and sound great! And I totally agree with @dxccal, the increased clamp does improve the seal which increases the punch and dynamics. It also greatly improved the comfort too.
Also, just for completeness, here are some good guides by @dxccal and @juicebox12 as well…
Does it feel lighter?
Has anyone messed with (i.e. removed/replaced) the Tuning layers (i.e. the felt/dust covers on the driver and the grill to see what they do to the sound?
Just got my pair. I’m traveling for Christmas, so I’m going to have them burn in while I’m out of town and try them again when I get back. Then I’m going to try the headband mod, but with the HiFiMan HE-560 headband you can get on Adorama for $40, but goes on sale for $10 sometimes; which is what I picked them up for earlier this year.
Sorry, I don’t have a small enough scale to measure, so I can’t give you a quantitative answer, but qualitatively, yes, it does feel a bit lighter.
what is the difference between a M1570 and a nighthawk carbon?