Return what? A box? Sure, will do that
He just want nudes, he doesn’t care about Teas
I’ve been very busy but my shopping list for 11.11 is growing. Keep in mind I’ll add stuff as I find.
In my opinion, this 11.11 is kinda weak, but it’s a good time to hoard up some coupons and use it. Also, some stores have the “Get 3 USD discounted for each 30 USD spent”, so it might be good for those who know what they want already.
Good shopping!
So what’s in the pipeline?
I’ve been real busy with work, so my uptime has been very low. I haven’t even download new music in a while, just hoarding up on Tidal at the moment… So in a close future I intend to do a:
A big ramble about my personal end-game and why I didn’t go kilobuck.
Cover my recommendations for tips. (done)
Variations’ review (almost done, just needs some sprinkles on top).
GS Audio ST1 review (mostly done, just needs some work but I can’t get nice pics atm since I’ve loaned it and my Teas to Igor for a spin).
A post explaining (for dummies) how to create your own custom GS Audio IEM. (done)
Finally review my Mele set and explaining why it’s my personal sub-50$ pick even if it doesn’t fully match my curve. I wanted to this before 11.11 but life happened. Also it seems it isn’t getting much discounted during the sale so, you can just keep buying it.
Give my impressions when Timeless arrives (By this rate… next year).
Review my incoming XD-05 Balanced and talk about my other sources.
Finally think about reviewing my EJ07m, RSV and Mangird Tea.
Post some test tracks/playlists used by me so people have a better picture of what my preferences are and if it aligns with them.
Delve a bit into buds. Give impressions of my personal end-game picks like Blurs and LBBS.
Hope this settles down some of the questions people have been PMing me about it!
nymz’s Personal Tips preferences and recommendation
Edit as of 26th of March 2022:
You can check my recs all over my thread and on my rankings. This was is easier to keep up. Anything, just ask away!
Ok, bad news inc.
I should have had XD-05bal on my hands in the following days, but guess what? China eletricity shortage just doubled the express shipping fees. Dudo showed me proof of it (so I can know for sure i’m not getting scammed around). Since this dac/amp has a battery and needs special shipping properties… well, RIP - UPS is asking for 75usd just for shipping.
So what does this mean? They will send through aliexpress standard shipping and it will take around 15 days to get to me, if everything goes smooth and no special tricks. I was about to cancel but since I can avoid customs/VAT tax this way, I can’t get the deal I got in any other way so, I guess I’ll just wait, which is my least favourite thing in the world
Hope your monday is going better than mine…
GS Audio Custom shells service
Disclaimer: I have no affinity with GS Audio Store and I paid full for my set + custom job. I’m only posting this to help people out and not to promote their store, has I have no personal benefict from it.
So, the most asked question I get through PMs or discord is how did I do my custom ST1 shell. I think it’s time to do a written guide on it. It’s a prety simple process, although it seems it’s not that obvious through aliexpress app.
Step 1: Choose the IEM you wanna custom (Obviously).
I decided to try it on ST1 as it got me curious since it’s a budget 1BA with neutral tuning. You can do it on ANY IEM on their store.
Total Cost: Depends on the model. -
Step 2: Choose a shell you like from their list.
You can see/choose it here!
My shell is #A07 as all my IEMs are black and gold at the moment.
Check the description to see all the options availabe!
Total Cost: 20 USD. -
Step 3: Choose a custom logo/other alterations
You can see/choose it here!
So, as obvious at it is, I got a custom metal logo. Yes, it’s different on each plate. You can choose between gold and silver color for it (I got the gold one). I don’t think you can do over-detailed logos and you have to keep it mind it’s a flat metal, so you gotta play with voids/shadows to look good.
So, how did I chose it? Pretty fast and easy actually. I opened google, searched for “Daft Punk Logo”, found a flat one and puff, it was done. I just sent the the image and asked if they could do it, they said yes - make sure to ask if they can do it first.
There’s other customizations: MMCX intead of standard 2pin and metal nozzles. Sets like ST1 that already have a metal nozzle, you don’t need to pay extra for it. I got mine in gold for free.
You gotta keep in mind that nozzles change sound, so any set tuned for resin nozzle might sound different on metal nozzles.
Total Cost: 30 USD for custom logo. 10 USD for metal nozzle or MMCX Connector. -
Step 4: Wrapping it up.
Well, there’s not much else but to pay for it. Also don’t forget to add your shell choice to the order. They can also note it down for you.
Talk directly to the guys through all the process, as they will help you with. Their english is very good and they have very fast answering times. They will explain it to you better than I can. And don’t forget to enjoy your music.
Total Cost: Free and you save some sanity.
PS: I can’t take new shots since I’ve loaned my set to @igor0203 for a spin. Will update later.
PS2: The cable shown on the photo is not the stock cable. It’s a custom from Xinhs I made months ago for my TSMR Land. I can’t rec it due to price and it took 2 shots to get it right.!
Ok, that’s what we understood. And how do they sound?
Working on closing up the review, but they are not for your tastes and library, that’s for sure
Ок, but I also listen to EDM, techno, old dance, drum and bass, instrumentals, some classics, Enigma, Enia, Vangelis, Prodigy and others! My main genre is progressive death metal and its variants.
Z1R’s got that covered for sure…personal fit
I’d love to demo it, but that’s the kind of IEM I’d never buy blind
For the first time I hear that it is such a multi-genre IEMs. Unfortunately, I have nowhere to hear it here, maybe in time.
A wise decision I lucked out with my blind buy as it’s one of my most comfortable iem’s I can literally use it all day with no issues at all.
If I edit SoundEater’s genres a wee bit…
then Z1R has all that down to a “Tee”
I was genuinely interested in Z1R, I have to think seriously, it seems like the absolute “end of the game”. Thank you for the information!
The genres I posted above cover pretty much 100% of my listening and never once have I regretted purchasing my Z1R’s, It’s been around since 2018? and just look at regarded reviewers S tier lists? that’s no coincidence Chris, Crin etc…a good set always gonna be good set and it shows how confident Sony are with the Z1R no MKII a year later…I rest my happy musical case lol.
Still hoping for a remake with better fit and cheaper (keeping the magic). A girl can dream
I kinda agree but the og build is second to none and that goes for the unboxing experience too…I love metal sets as opposed to the various resin ones, just love the look and that cold feel when I fit them
And I love metal as a material for IEMs. Most people are afraid of their size and whether they will fit. They are probably heavy and cannot be used outdoors, but the genres they cover overshadow all these shortcomings! I’m starting to read reviews!