Nymzreviews.com official thread

Ahahah not really a reveal. I mean, never intended it to be :joy:

Thx brother


During day, under the sun still ok with a shirt yeah :joy:

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I just came back from the coast, and the weather is exceptionally good here in France too. The kids played during 2h straight on the beachā€™s sand. They usually get bored after 20 minutesā€¦

The 2h30 travel back to our home is another story, thoughā€¦


Looking good my man :sunglasses:

My driveway is pilled with snow, so Iā€™m definitely not jealous at all or anything :upside_down_face:

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I almost dont know what snow is lol. Only when I travel abroad

Just posted some of my stuff up for sale, more will come later. No IEMs yet.

Need to cash pool for baby plus I might grab one more IEM for my end-game list. Bro deals can be accepted besides the current price. :dancer:


Something special came in the mail today :point_down:

RSV :heartbeat: Love at first listen :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Lezzzz gooooo


I almost shed a tear for selling mine, but they went to a better home :heart:


Thanks, @nymz I know now why you kept this set so high up in your ranking list. So far from my first impression, this set does vocals unlike anything else Iā€™ve heard before. Also, a huge shoutout to Michael Bruce (Shortbus). Iā€™ve been eyeing this set ever since I saw his review.


Serratus are here. Time to see what all the fuss is about! :metal:


Hope you enjoy it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks for the trust and glad you enjoying! Itā€™s a special set, at least to my ears and some others, where midrange is gold.

Michael was the reason I went RSV instead of something else at the time. He can sometimes be too passionate about his favourite sets, but he has great ears and devotes a lot of time into the hobby and music, so my hats are always off. Shortbus :love_you_gesture:


For those who will buy planar IEMs on 11.11. - all use the same driver. Therefore, in order not to regret - buy TINHIFI P1 MAX! :nerd_face: :upside_down_face:

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my p1 max is about to land and Iā€™m excited as its my first planar iem :panda_face: :v: (i have a planar headphones for over 3 years now and i love them )


They donā€™t all use the same driver. I believe there are three drivers being used atm

And using the same driver doesnā€™t mean sounding the same or having the same capabilities.

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Exactly. There are 3 drivers, but most planar IEMs use one.

If one Mercedes of the same model is made in Germany and another in China, then there may be a slight difference in the cars. The same is the case with IEMs. Think logically, not emotionally! :wink:

But driver of a IEM is more like a engine, maybe engine + drivetrain of a car, not a complete one. Implementation, physical tuning, shape (->depth of insertion/fit) matters. Just like weight, mass distribution, aerodynamics of two cars using same enfine


Yes. And in my opinion, the form factor, FR and the source matter. Some planar IEMs require more power.

FR always matter, no matter if itā€™s the same driver. One can be tuned V shaped, other neutral.