Nymzreviews.com official thread

I have resisted the Tea cult so far but I’m planning to get an IEM for my birthday in May and this is tempting!!


We have cookies :grimacing:

But lets face it, mk2 looks hella fire :fire:


I believe that Tea 2 has as good a sound as it looks! There is a danger for me that together with my 07m they will not be taken off my ears and I will be deaf. I still do not take 07m from my ears, and with the new Tea it will become even worse for the health of my ears :joy:
Waiting …


Either MK2 or EJ07M route will be fire :fire: :fire:

Same man… same…


Both are fire


This year would be lit :fire:. Olina, Lava, SE Volume, Tea MK2 and that is just January. I would pull a trigger on Olina for sure (it is too hard to resist because of this extra stuff around that HBB is doing with first 500pcs) + either Volume or Tea based on first reviews.
Volume is more tempting I would admit - the more elegant and original looks, packaging and Softear reputation. Also I would not afford having two similar sets named the same when confessing to my wife :coffin:


Waiting impatiently for reviews on all of these!!!


You might be lucky :upside_down_face:

Do you have a source for that? Linsoul says this about the MK2:

Nozzle Size(stem)
Nozzle Size (lip)

Variations is 6.45mm

EDIT: Ok, the shell is significantly bigger: 🔶 Thieaudio Monarch II - #13 by igor0203
But with the Moondrops the nozzle was borderline… but then to be fair: I remember that the faceplate of the Blessing 2 was the deceiptively small. I think the Variations has the same size faceplate. The actual body of the Variations is bigger than that picture makes you believe, I think. I can’t say anything about the Monarch MKII

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Jesus Christ


Not a single pic saved me 1k as fast…


Yes. They are huge. Although life is short and money is paper and …, one day I may enjoy their perfect tuning. So far I have the little Mon MK2 :blush:

Sooooo I have the Shanling M3X on the way.

The Hiby R5s ran out of stock and they have no idea when they’ll be bringing in. They recommended me the ibasso DX160 but I’m not a fan of the battery life so they opted the M3X for me because I told them my main IEM is The Variations. It’s an amazing combo for my music library apparently.

I also told them I’ve been using the Fiio Q3 DAC and it’s an upgrade apparently if I use the M3X. They also told me I can still make use of the Q3 to use it as an AMP for the M3X since it has a lil bit more power than the M3X if I ever need it.

It’s also good timing for me apparently as well cause they told me Shanling recently released a firmware update that fix some of the sound quality issue which I have no idea about.

So yeah, M3X on the way for me!


Congratz! M3X is very nice and very musical. Shanling house tuning has some sweetness to it. I think you will like it, especially with Variations. If you ever feel the need to stack, topping nx7 will 360 change the m3x for around 150 and it’s insane.

Between the two, I prefer m3x signature over fiio’s from memory, but ymmv. As for power, it shouldnt make a big difference because they are pretty even, irc.

I had myself the same problem with R5s since I had to return mine, and I will get a refund… After CNY…

Given that, I got used to not having a DAP. Im still unsure if I’m getting one afterall, but time will tell. I found myself using Q5k with more afordable sets or TWS on the go and portable amps at the desk.

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Wow! Sounds like I may have dodged the bullet there on the R5s. The Q3 has a warm neutral sound signature.

Quite excited to get my hands on the M3X! Since you know what kind of music I listen to it, will definitely trust you on that! It’ll be a good companion for me during my commute to work. My Sony A55 will continue to be a good backup DAP for me if I need something very portable on the go due to it’s battery life.

I’ll keep an eye on the Topping NX7 if I ever need a stack! But I think I’m good for now with DAPs and DACs. Next purchase may or may not be the Tea MK2!

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M3X is more colored than Q5 irc. Its softer, which had sinergy with Variations clinical take.

You are settled for a good while, dont worry. Save the buckeronis.

Give this man a cookie!

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Thanks! Will definitely save up! The year just started so I think we’re in for a pretty good one!

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I wonder if Tea MK2 would compete with EJ07m… Hopefully someone with both can compare them in the near future cough @nymz cough


I read this comment with joy and some kind of exciment. Oh boy how bright is the future. My body and ears are ready. Other potencially nice picks coming up such as Volume, Vulkan, Kinda Lava and many others to come. Too bad not everyone will be happy. Like right now I can already hear someone crying right next to me, on the subway station, as I write this. Guess the poor soul is not having an easy life…

… Oh wait, that’s my wallet.