Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

No problem, brother. I am bipolar type 1 and suffer from PTSD so I have had to go through quite a bit of the “musical chairs - medication edition” myself. As a guy with pretty severe manic symptoms that only became exacerbated (to the point of having a few actual psychotic breaks/episodes before I ever sought treatment for either disorder) by the PTSD from my military service, getting my meds in order and finding a psychiatrist and psychologist willing to work together to combine meds and a therapy regime made all the difference in the world. It has been a long road and has been quite frustrating at times, but I don’t have words for how worth it the whole process is when you find the right answer for your particular psychological riddle. I went from life coming apart at the the seems to being stable, productive, and quite happy. So, like I said, just be persistent and keep your head up.

P.S. If you ever need to talk, vent, or whatever, my inbox is always open.


Just want to say, FUCK AVG antivirus. Was giving me problems for the past two weeks when trying to make purchases online with paypal and I didn’t even know it. The damn “web shield” was blocking sites without me knowing it and causing chrome to throw security errors bc it couldn’t get a security key response from the site preventing access. I couldn’t get on p-bandai or paypal and couldn’t figure out why all of the sudden they stopped working. Past couple days I’ve been trying to make a purchase off of the letshouer site and the only payment they accept is paypal. Well the web shield has been blocking access to paypal itself so whenever I went to checkout there was nothing to click to finish the process. Today I got in contact with @shuoer through discord and he linked me to the aliexpress page instead. Again, paypal won’t work in the checkout process so I have to fuck around with google pay and my card throwing fraud alerts before any payment actually goes through. I end up doing some searching trying to figure out what’s causing all this trouble and find a support page. One of the things listed was possibly the antivirus doing dumb shit. Turn off the “web shield” and tada it all works just fine. There was no indication or a notification that it was even turned on. All this headache bc avg decided it knew what was best for me.

Edit: on the plus side I got a huge discount by going through aliexpress. The initial price would’ve matched the price on the letshouer site with the 10% newsletter discount so $481 before taxes. After taxes it went up to $522. Using the Honey extension and going through a bunch a discount codes the total ended up at $462 so I got a brand new pair of ej07ms for over $200 off of the normal price.


Every cloud has a silver lining as they say :smiley:…hope you enjoy your new set :notes::+1:

EJ07ms for $462?!?! Sounds like you came out on top. That sounds frustrating, but over $200 off sounds like karma made it up to you in the end. Congrats on the new IEMs!

Thanks so much. I was expecting them to be around $480 but the final time going through the checkout process Honey found a discount code for even more than the 3 times before so I lucked out even more.


aye - and how so? (please tell me this is not a misguided reference to the napster case)

Aye, they have and it sucks, but they’ve also released a lot of bangers

No they didn’t. It’s misguided because that statement is not correct. They sued Napster, at no point were any lawsuits filed against any fans. You’re right, it is pretty simple if you’d bother to check the facts.

Any why does the fact that I like to base things on factual evidence mean I obviously like corporate greed - what a nonsense statement to come away with.

Yep - to each their own, I’ll stick with facts rather than “alternative facts”.

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: didnt the lawsuite only ban some accounts on Napster and the money should have come from Napster :thinking:

otherwise please keep it civil, especial with a discussion from around 2000 XD :crazy_face:


This conversation has skewed too far from the thread topic. And I’m moving it to the Rant thread where you can continue there or take it to DM which ever you prefer.



See, again that’s an incorrect or at best disingenuous statement. No fans were sued. As part of the action, Naspter were requested to ban 300k plus user accounts - which they did.

I’m fine with you calling them out on this, disagreeing about the decisions they took (even though you’re assuming I’m blindly siding with them) - please just stop chucking misleading statements around as fact.

Am I a superfan - not something I’d call myself, but clearly a big enough fan to go buy tickets to go see them in other countries. Does it make me biased? Possibly (subconsciously) - but then you’ve already formed that opinion anyway, right.

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no probs - nah, I’m done.

It seems the topic strayed into the weird maze that is US intellectual property law. I had a weird experience with this some years back…

Without naming names, I was on a message board/ forum much like this one in basic form and function, but devoted to a fiction, authors, books, book series, etc.

As a price of fan art, someone posted a really elaborate and quality made replica they had crafted of a specific item in a book series. Turned out the author was a member of the forum, and was flattered and pleased that someone had gone to so much effort based on his writing.

Then he found out that it was actually a commission piece for a paying customer, and had to send cease and decist notice, and get his lawyers involved.

I’m the flame war that followed, it came out that in the US, if you become aware of an infringement of your rights to intellectual property, and you don’t immediately take steps to enforce and defend your rights, there is a body of settled case law that successfully argues that you are instead choosing to surrender those rights to public domain.

While this is not always the case, and it is, of course, more complicated than that, once I learned that an author can lose the right to make any further money off of licensing replicas from his works if he doesn’t put a stop to the sale of unauthorized replicas, it made me scratch my head over the Napster case. I had originally thought of the Napster suit as being just unadulterated greed on the part of the artist, directed against Napster as a company, but to the plain detriment of the fan base rit large. After learning of the strange ways IP law handles some of this stuff, though, I have had cause to re-examine whether I might have been just a bit too harsh, jaded, and self-absorbed in my judgements of that case.


I feel your frustration with buying, selling, and trading on Head-Fi. No, you’re definitely not the asshole here. Just make a note of who the seller is and don’t bother to interact with them in the future. I know you’ll find a better deal somewhere else and get the item you’re after.

I’m not a wheeler-dealer or a savvy businessperson. I know that I can expect to lose some money on used stuff - this is not an investor’s hobby - but geez, I got so, so sick and tired of being lowballed and haggled with and screwed on shipping and screwed by Paypal that I started giving stuff away to local friends and acquaintances. I gave away some Sendy Aivas that I’d been trying to sell forever and kept getting lowballed on, and I gave away an Audio-gd R-28 all-in-one that I figured would be more trouble shipping than it was worth.

I started adding up what I’ve spent on gear, taxes, and shipping since I started the hobby in 2016. And I’m keeping records of what I sold, when, to whom, and for how much. Of the 16 items I’ve sold, I calculate a 45% loss on the original cost. Does that sound reasonable? I don’t know if it’s comparable to other sellers’ experiences, but I do know that I’ve kind of soured on selling - it’s a lot of work and I often feel dirty afterward. I really hope I didn’t come off as greedy or elitist when turning down offers or making counteroffers - I did my best to be polite.

The experience has kind of forced me to slow down on purchases and really consider what I bring into the collection and how/if I will dispose of an item if it happens to lose its appeal. A good project might be to graph the frequency and cost of audio purchases over time to see if I really am being more moderate in acquiring stuff.

As far as buying goes, I do my best to be polite and even generous. I’m not out to lowball people just to insult them or piss them off. Most of the time, I’ll do a little research, recognize that the seller wants to minimize their losses, and tell them yes, that’s reasonable, I’ll give you what you’re asking. If it’s really outrageous, I’ll either make a counteroffer or look for another seller at another time. I really wish more people would do the same - ask reasonably and offer reasonably. It would save a lot of time and frustration.

Edit: I should add that buying and selling here on HFGF has been significantly more palatable than in other places. Thank you all for being cool people.


I have been having trouble with Apos Audio recently because of a faulty amp. So far it has been almost a month of trying to get a replacement amp from them, but the amp I need replaced is sold out. Now they don’t even respond to my emails. I think I’m at the point of quitting and just calling it a loss.


Sorry to hear this, always bad when costumers are being exploited. Out of curiosity, have you try contacting the manufacturer of the May you can get better results this way.

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Now that america discovered how ironman created his power crystal. We can go ahead and buy all the gear in the shopping cart ?

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Do you believe in the famous “burn-in”?

My gosh, the San Francisco Giants have become the laughingstock of the major leagues. This ass-hat Farhan Zaidi and the clown car ownership group have taken a once proud organization and in 4 short years have completely destroyed it. The roster is now about the worst in Baseball, they made a weak-ass attempt and whiffed on Aaron Judge, they couldn’t muster up the stones re-sign Carlos Rodan, and now Carlos Correa, seemingly in the middle of the night, has bolted to the New York Mets. I can’t say that I actually blame him. Beyond the money, why on Earth would you want to play here? Obviously, he decided he didn’t want to! He probably came into town to sign the contract and took a walk around the block! What a joke. This team has now become - and I can’t believe I am saying this - The Oakland A’s. Frankly, I hope all three of these men have career seasons and beyond.

Growing up as a kid I used to love this team. But like the city, the team is going to shit. Now I look at that logo and I want to spit. But this is what happens when you have a so-called President of baseball operations who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and obsesses over a damned spreadsheet while having no ability to actually evaluate a player, and an ownership “group” that is more concerned about making real estate deals than trying to make their team better. It’s just sad.

Perhaps they should sell the team to someone who actually wants to compete. Until that happens, I will not go, I will not watch - They can go screw themselves. And I think a lot of the fan base feels the same way. I hope that park is empty next season. I’m pretty sure it will be.

Rant over. Go Mets! :rofl:


That NYM luxury tax is pocket change for Cohen apparently.

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