RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

If you are asking me, then no. its too expensive for me. :sob:

Oh yes, sometimes there is the possibility that a hobby escalates a little :pinching_hand:

But at least we’re well organized and tidy, even if things get a little out of hand :face_with_monocle: :laughing:


For me there are, once again, considerable problems with the delivery of the Variations :grimacing:.

My experience with ChiFi goods, which are to be delivered directly from China to Europe, is, in fact, not really positive :man_shrugging:.

It is already the 7th time that I have either problems with the transport service (considerable delay or no delivery at all) or with defective earphones at the time of delivery (2x Thieaudio products, 1x Shouer product, the drivers for all of them were broken )

For example:

I quickly learned to order Chifi products via Amazon, because I can easily get my money back there.

After a long, heated argument with Linsoul, this was a lesson for me :bangbang:

As long as ChiFi is working, these products CAN be relatively good.

Based on my experience, the chance of poor manufacturing quality, limited customer service, and unreliable delivery routes is, however, disproportionately high. :100:

For this reason, I am careful not to recommend ChiFi earbuds without reservation (especially not to friends),

I always have a warning about this:

Can sound good, look great, be extremely well endowed; But you can still get totally disappointed due to the above mentioned circumstances. :warning: :warning: :warning:


That sure is some bad luck…

In my experience, I only had these bad experiences.

Ibasso IT00 (channel imbalance)
Kinera Freya (dead unit on arrival, (although a review unit))
KBEAR Neon (channel imbalance)
Final Audio E500 (massive channel imbalance, not even chi-fi though)

With the amount of error chains and the amount of complaints in European forums, I am not convinced that this is only a misfortune. :thinking:

As the official reviewer, you have these problems, possibly, only to a very limited extent.

I and others who order and pay for these earphones officially, have a high percentage of these problems;

At least here in europe.

And if you’ve invested between € 300 - € 1000 in an item, but then there are problems with it, and you try to get your money back for months, that’s less fun :euro: :euro: :euro: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Since Linsoul & Shenzhen Audio would like to have their goods sent back again and again :package:before they then reimburse the money :moneybag:, this is a considerable effort, with a high risk that the goods will be lost on the way at some point.

And believe me, it’ll be really fun :rage:

The majority of my purchases are done like a regular consumer. I very much doubt I get those “golden samples” lol.

Escalate? Never! lol

Anyone interested in a virtual IEM garage sale?


:v: :+1: :laughing:



Have you guys seen Chris’s review for the Xenns UP??? RIP wallet…

A Mangird Tea with better bass and more slam and EST for highs… That sounds like endgame to me!

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Hmm…? I don’t know, maybe? :thinking:

Got anything you’d rec for someone with no prior IEM experience, lol?

I ordered a small dozen of things on AliExpress. I’ve had no issue, either in QC nor shipping. I even had the surprise to get my last order way sooner than expected. Maybe a trick from the sellers to avoid the new law that make them pay vat instead of the reciever.

I consider myself lucky though, and I take calculated risks:

  • I don’t spend more than 100€
  • I don’t buy from brands that I have doubts on, regarding QC
  • I check the seller history before adding to cart

Having shipping from China with no tracking whatsoever is always a risk.

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I definitely wouldnt order ANYTHING without tracking…

I did…


And you better be getting xenns up with me…

Would love to see your opion vs the ta tribids


1 min too late. Yeeeees

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Yea, $1 discount.

Honey, see? They were on sale…

Haha! I think that was from just buying the Legacy 2 yesterday.

Why do you think I live with my girlfriend of 11 years.

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I am really annoyed at moondrop and xenns. Xenns has just about exactly the driver config I want to try, but had do the whole fancy looking faceplate that I don’t like… though they did it in all darker tones so I might be able to overlook it. And moondrop made the perfect style tribrid, but I really do prefer beryllium DD and I like BA in that transition between the mids to the treble just not in the upper treble.

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Good. You are probably getting them before me since Im going on vacation and live in Portugal, lol… Its too risky for me to order them with a 7 day process time before shipping and cant choose dhl or ill pay vat

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