Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Sounds like it :+1::+1:

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I have 2 pieces of that puzzle, just need the RNHP to complete it and try it out for myself. One day…


Really dumb question. Since the RNHP amp is a little light on power (but capable if you max out your DAC and occasional Amazon music levels), how well does the sound signature carry through a THX amp?

What exactly are you asking? I guess I’m not really understanding what the question means (sorry)

Honestly the low power concerns are a bit exaggerated. Many people say they get a really good combo even with notoriously hard to drive Argons with the RNHP, and even those power requirements for Argons can be a bit exaggerated at times.


The ask is mostly if you need more power if chaining amps would be good for driving harder to drive headphones. And now I think about about it, probably a dump idea in general.

Yes do not do this lol, double amping is not good


power concerns are really not that big of a deal with RNHP unless you are driving really inefficient planars. I’ve been able to drive all my headphones easily without going past noon on the pot. that is with balanced in of course.


Just heard in Zeos latest review that the Fedelice made him shit his pants. his words. when he heard it at the last canjam. Are we sure this is the same headphone Amp as the RNHP? He reviewed that one and didnt seem as impressed

Actually, he did seem impressed with the RNHP. He even stated how good Fostex TH909’s sounded on the RNHP (which he’s always stated as being very amp-picky).

Pretty sure his newer comments are regarding the new Fidelice lines RNDAC, which is a Dac/amp unit with balanced output.

People who aren’t very impressed with RNHP are usually floored by the RNDAC.

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that unit is 5000$ o.o yeah you may be right

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I’ll post a pick tomorrow, but I picked up the Palmer Purifier that @MazeFrame referenced earlier since I was still experiencing the occasional static in the left channel of my RNHP.

Man, that thing works. Almost too good.

UPS showed up super late, like he showed up an hour ago. So I’ve only listened for the past hour and I’m blown away by how silent the background now is. It was already quiet, but it’s BLACK now. I almost feel like I’ve lost some sense of “air”, but it’s too soon and too late to keep listening. I still hear all the detail I’ve always heard, so it’s a bit confusing. There’s definitely greater separation, and it sounds a bit more analytical.

Not sure how I feel about the changes. I’ll definitely do more listening tomorrow and go back and forth with and without the Palmer.


From my experience messing with the power affects the sound a decent amount so it might make sense that it sounds a bit different

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Yeah, it’s pretty damned noticeable.

The funny things is it’s just a line conditioner/purifier. But it’s doin’ quite a bit.

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The rnhp design makes it sensitive to power delivery, I’ll let @MazeFrame complain about the lack of power filtering in the design lol


If I don’t like the results, I’ll just have to switch to a better surge suppressor and possibly a noise filter for it. I figure if it’s done before the standard switching supply it shouldn’t affect the sound as much.

I agree :+1:

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So it’s a definite, and clear improvement.

I went back and forth with tracks I’m very familiar with of differing genres. Whether by beginning a track over with/without the Palmer, or pausing the track and then switching back and forth. I did this with several tracks for about two hours this morning.

It brings everything into focus. So much so, that I initially perceived it as a lack of coherence.

All the detail is still present, but more precisely staged. Leading to improved imaging as well, though I’m not entirely sure how it’s affecting the soundstage (which could be due to the fact that I’m using LCD-X which are narrow in their soundstage, or if it just isn’t affecting soundstage at all).

Bass is more focused as well, with a possibly slight elevation (not boomy or anything, it could be that it’s just more focused but it feels slightly elevated).

Treble remained the same. Sharp, focused, and accurate.

It also brought about a much blacker noise floor. It’s dead silent. That’s one of the things that initially stood out, and why I questioned whether it lost any decay which I don’t believe it did. It’s just deep black background.

My guess without having heard one, is that it brings an RNHP closer to what a Phonitor sound is. More precise, focused presentation, with a pure, sonic accuracy.

Whether or Not this is better is really a matter of preference, as it did clean it up which kind of reduced it’s Analog charm. My advice is to try it out and see if you like it better yourself. It’s only $20 USD, which anyone that owns an RNHP should be able to afford.

For what it’s worth, I’m keeping mine connected.


I’m talking to some guys on Zeos chat. they refuse to believe the RNHP is a upgrade to the THX amps. In what ways is the RNHP an upgrade. Mon? what do i say to them?

If someone refuses to think it’s an upgrade, nothing you can say would really change their mind tbh, it’s just something they gotta hear for themselves if they are in that mindset