SPL Phonitor XE

You aren’t supposed to actually have it plugged in when you turn in on or off from what I hear for the rnhp

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yeah with the RNHP… you are supposed to turn the volume down > Unplug headphones > Then switch on/off… and give it a minute to power on after turning it on too. Which I just left mine on all the time.

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That would include reading the manual/manual’s in my books.
I always do.
Think i read all my audio gear’s manuals before making any connections, also what is more important
I did understand what (almost) everything meaned.
Had to read all of G’manuals… multiple times since… expensive… and not so simple at first try.


Same here (for computer setup). That damned green Light is too bright to leave it on in my bedroom (comfy chair) setup!

My partner wouldn’t have it. :laughing:

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I would rather have something complicated to set up that I can tweak to my needs rather than something easy to setup with limited options lol

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I fixed it with a Lego piece and a spot of blue tac.


Holy shit that’s genius lol, it looks clean and really nice :+1:


That is genius. :+1:t4:

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A true innovator of our time


Ha. You guys are funny. Legos have caused me (my bare feet) enough pain over the years. It’s about time they paid me a favor.



That little 1 X 1 block is a true Damocles Sword! :rofl:

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If I ever get one, I’m doing the exact same thing.

@Andrew_Davis Are you keeping the RNHP?

I know @giova05 was moved enough by the Phonitor to part ways with the Neve. Curious if you’ve come to the same conclusion.

Personally, I just don’t like excesses. I honestly don’t really like owning more than 1 main headphone even. I prefer to keep things as simple as possible. That being said… I think the RNHP is a decent compliment… but my guess is something like the Cayin IHA-6 or a tube amp would be a better compliment to it.

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I think I would go for a tube if you can, I think you already have plenty of solid state lol

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Agreed. ****

For me personally… I’ve had enough of a taste of tube, I don’t really have a longing desire for it. I’m good with just the Phonitor for the time being. Whenever I do get a new amp, it’ll be just to do a straight upgrade or just to get something different and sell off the Phonitor, most likely. I’ve got the Ares 2 on the way, so that’ll be fun to see how that sounds and see if I want to keep that over the Topping.
I’ve mainly been looking at turntables now.
Mainly considering a Uturn Orbit Plus, Fluance RT82, or pro ject debut carbon. I found a really nice ‘mom and pop’ record store nearby and I’m itching to start up my record collection again soon.


I’m only keeping one, but I’ve had less than an hour to compare.

I have preliminary thoughts, but they’re equivocating, half formed and mostly take the form of “on one had, and on the other.”

More later.:grin:

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I should also say that I got the Phonitor e used for $950. That shouldn’t change the Sonic part of my evaluation, but it certianly changes the value calculation!


So I believe I’ll be returning the Topping D90 and just use the built in DAC of the phonitor e for the time being until Ares 2 arrives. Might get an SU 8 or Enog 2 pro in the meantime as well. Aside from reversed channels, Polarity and Phasing seem perfectly fine… after having tested it. And the reversed channels can be corrected by just flipping the inputs of the headphone cables for the Clears.
D90 just isn’t worth it’s asking price, IMO. There doesn’t seem to be any real tangible benefits from having “great measurements”.