SPL Phonitor XE

love aerial shot´s like this one - where did you get the permission for the drone flight from?
back to seriosity - congrats on this one!

with the SPL, I would certainly consider a wall breakthrough behind my desk from our home-office to the living room


It’s a biggun! I knew the dimensions before I bought it, of course. But in person it’s desk dominating. The ‘e’ model is two inches deeper than the Xe, and since it’s shorter it seems even longer. I had one of those huge “desktop replacement” laptops back in the day and this reminds me of it. You’d probably never have to ask "will it stack well with XYZ dac?"I can’t think of a normal pro/con-sumer DAC that has a larger footprint.

M0N’s 130lb chech stainless steel beauty notwithstanding.


I should mention that I read somewhere that you should never unplug or plug into the single ended on the phonitor with volume turned up/sound playing… as it could damage the amp.

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Some rackmount dacs may fit the bill lol


I know what you are talkin about - we use one of these desktop replacement laptops for on the go or on the sofa. It´s a pain and I have thought about adding a surface pro/x or another 13inch one

for a DAC or amp, I see no problem - because you won´t carry it around all the time. Just place it somewhere and use it :slight_smile:


I read that somewhere on the interwebs also, but not in the manual, if I recall. I also have to admit that I did just that when I was A/B-ing yesterday.

Does anyone else have any more information on this?

In the manual, per se.


I could be wrong… but better safe than sorry, IMO. If I recall correctly, a user on another forum mentioned having to send in their for repair after doing so.

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I think it’s something to do with ohm loads. The RNHP has a similar warning message either in the manual, or may have been on a separate sheet of paper, if I’m remembering correctly.

Yeah… just thought I’d mentioned it since the THX amps and the like have the circuit that mute it automatically for you… probably better to take on best practices with an amp costing over $1000. lol

Unlike the RNHP… the power switch on the front at least… seems safe to turn on and off with headphones plugged in though.


You aren’t supposed to actually have it plugged in when you turn in on or off from what I hear for the rnhp

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yeah with the RNHP… you are supposed to turn the volume down > Unplug headphones > Then switch on/off… and give it a minute to power on after turning it on too. Which I just left mine on all the time.

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That would include reading the manual/manual’s in my books.
I always do.
Think i read all my audio gear’s manuals before making any connections, also what is more important
I did understand what (almost) everything meaned.
Had to read all of G’manuals… multiple times since… expensive… and not so simple at first try.


Same here (for computer setup). That damned green Light is too bright to leave it on in my bedroom (comfy chair) setup!

My partner wouldn’t have it. :laughing:

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I would rather have something complicated to set up that I can tweak to my needs rather than something easy to setup with limited options lol

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I fixed it with a Lego piece and a spot of blue tac.


Holy shit that’s genius lol, it looks clean and really nice :+1:


That is genius. :+1:t4:

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A true innovator of our time


Ha. You guys are funny. Legos have caused me (my bare feet) enough pain over the years. It’s about time they paid me a favor.