Nymzreviews.com official thread

First impressions
Sick :eyes:


I told you’d love it :slight_smile:

I’m testing S12 as we speak :eyes:


Nice - now I’m really interested in these and I think your library has overlap with mine. Can you give me a flavour of a few metal tracks where they really deliver?

Edit: No rush though, as appreciate you want to spend time with them :+1:


Yes. I will say in great detail, but in a few days. Otherwise, the texture of the guitars is amazing!


Dark Magician: Stayed as “in transit” twice in a row, and turned up to my (third worst in the US) sorting station this afternoon. I won’t see them until they’re delivered tomorrow, and then not until get home from work, but actually not even then, because I’ll need to get/have supper and spend time with my girls until they’re in bed around 8, so only 8ish pm tomorrow. That changes if tomorrow’s a snow day, but I haven’t heard much affirming that since it was mentioned on Tuesday.


Shuoer S12 unboxing impresions

Disclaimer: Special thanks to Joseph and @shuoer team to make sure I could get it ASAP. You guys rock.

January 6th. First IEM of the year arrived.

Let’s pause for a minute here. Around 2 weeks ago, I was speechless about Timeless resolving power for the price - 200 hundred bucks for this? Sure, sign me in.

1 week ago I did my favourites of the year list, Timeless climbed to the a runner-up on the Best IEM released in 2021 that I’ve tried, that while having a giant gap to the winner (EJ07m), was too good to ignore for 200usd.

Again, January 6th. 6 days into 2022. 6 freaking days. 4 work days. That’s 24 working hours for those who work 8hours a day. And here I am, sleep deprived, tired, mocking myself up because I forgot a package with another IEM on my office, but feeling the urge to write something down, even if ultra short before going bed:

What in the actual f*** is this? On the 6th day of the year Timeless has already been beaten to my tastes and library… by an IEM that is also a planar and costs… 50 bucks less.

Behold, Shuoer S12, the new planar IEM made by Shuoer or, as now rebranded, LETSHUOER. Yes, the same Shuoer that made EJ07, EJ07m and… Tape pro :upside_down_face:

S12 vs Timeless 10min impressions:

  • S12 has better stage and imaging;
  • Is more resolving/detailed;
  • Treble is less harsh while having better extension and air;
  • Sub-bass is more rolled off but mid-bass seems more visceral and detailed;
  • Better vocals;
  • Build quality is insane;
  • Cable is great, as are other accessories.

They don’t sound as alike as they graph, but still alike. Also S12 vs P1 Plus is just a joke. P1 Plus sounds as resolving as 50 dollars IEM.

I will feed you all more this weekend as I need to rest, but for the love of god, buy this set. It can trade punches with Mangird Tea. U’ve been warned.

Hard rec for 150usd :white_check_mark: . Tea cult approved,

nymz, the Gatekeeper
Tea Cult’s French Maiden


Refreshing LOLL
I haven’t taken the S12 out of my ears since I received it today. That bass attack speed and resolution is freaking FIRE. Also imaging accuracy… just heck.

If there’s one thing that S12 does less than Tea, it’s sound stage. Tea’s sound stage is still wider than S12, but S12 compensates with a tad more depth. All in all, S12’s stage is at least 80% of Tea.

LETSHUOER (Shuoer) right now:


Welcome to the club.



Oh man! Just when I begin to form regrets about having bought the timeless…

I bought it in sale, but it was still something like 170~180€
There was a used timeless for 150€ on a discord I read.
The s12 is out, and possibly solves the grow I have with timeless.

Speak about bad timing…


Do you think it’s worth getting if we already have timeless tho? :thinking:

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Happy I waited on the Timeless with all the QC problems. Wallet takes another hit :weary:


Looks like my prediction posted 11 days ago was correct!

P.S. just bought one :slight_smile:


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Timeless is insane for price, just let it take you on a journey :musical_note:

Well unless you’re a colector/addict/too rich, I’d say no. It’s a better iem for my library, but if you own timeless and like it, just go above the price bracket. Unless you can flip and lose no money, then yes.

If money is no restraint, yes, it is worth imo.


Congratz on the purchase guys! @ttorbic

I hope you love it as much as I do :slight_smile:

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Thanks man! I will see if they come close to competing with the Sundara. Since I don’t WFH much these days, I’m rarely using my desktop set-up. Maybe S12 will give me a reason to pass on my Sundara and recover some sunk costs haha. I estimate that I spend 90%-95% of my listening time with the Aladdin and the Oxygen (even split), and 5% on the Sundara…so that’s an expensive 5% haha


Yeah, I hope they do. I also love the looks and feel of the set (photos dont do it justice)



Definitely a set that has everything done perfectly and beautifully from stock, no need to change anything aftermarket, full package deal 100%.

PopinTeddy, the Receptionist
Tea Cult’s LETSHUOER :shower: Salon


This is 100% right.

The full package is insane but also @shuoer’s customer service. Yesterday I mentioned I got a 3.5mm version of the cable instead of 4.4mm, and when I woke up I had a notification of another package sent with another cable. Insane customer support.

By now, it’s pretty obvious I’m their fan, and the best proof of that is that I own 3 of their sets, and so far they are all keepers.

I will make a larger post in some weeks regarding my “personal endgame”, that enlarged from 4 to 6 sets, and now contains three shuoer sets, all sounding different but great on their own thing. I love them so much that I’m considering doing some custom jobs with them in a near future.


So, where are people in the U.S. getting this s12 timeless killer? Must own. MUST OWN. Kay, thanks!