What did you buy today? (Part 1)

I really should stop. I don’t need more iems :slight_smile:


More arrived than buy today, and waiting was some new Hart audio cables for the Atticus.


Dbl Big Mac with extra onions and pickles.


New headphone stand showed up today–a one-off random find on Etsy.


There have been plenty of pictures already, but MY Asgard 3 arrived today.
I’ll post on that thread too, but simply put…OMG … another level!!! :yum:


New pads for the Phoenix arrived. I don’t plan on swapping them out for a while, but they’re here for when I’m ready.
phoenix pads


They came today and I have saved up again for these guys right here. I got curious about its reception and I wanted to give it a try, to see it really is true that this is like endgame for them or something.


Now you gotta complete them with some yaxi pads :wink:


Yep, I bet they will be even better with those on. A bit of modding couldn’t hurt as well like replacing the cables with like an MMCX cable mod for it to be more modernized.

Impressive for $15 but it was too similar to my AD900x, so I didn’t keep them. Clips don’t bring the drivers close enough to my ears, so bass was pretty weak. Kind of regret not keeping them and the KPH30i. I could have haf a complete Koss 60 ohm collection if I also got the UR40.

I’ll just finish my Koss collection after getting the ESP/95x.

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I mean at least you know now, and yeah I do agree with your statement in regards of the drivers and the bass being weak. But still, I cannot believe you can get like these with spectacular sounds. I am not much of a bass head so I don’t mind it having a weak bass, and yeah if there’s a time for you buy a new set of those Koss headphones or ear phones you’ve mentioned, go get it.

They are some very nice cups with that wood on the ZMF.

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@K4sh1ma Again, put them on a headband. Amazon, Parts Express headphone, the band…throw out the terrible headphones and switch out the earclips for the headband. Tighter clamp improves bass…and with yaxis it gets even better. Have fun! PS Love mine. :wink:

Hey guys been a while, mostly because I’m trying to save money and this place is crack lol. Just wanted to share my Tuesday surprise from Hart Audio. My 600’s and 6xx had to have some custom cabling and I’m so happy with the design. 600’s cable inspired by the ALM System Coupe and the 6xx dark navy I thought was a perfect fit for a burgundy cable. Wow @brux these are great thank you, impressed by the quality…


The Elegia were recommended to me early on in my journey here at HiFiG and I’ve been following the Focal Elegia topic with interest ever since and thinking that I really needed to hear them for myself.
So, these arrived today…


Thank you @Hazi59 for the opportunity to add these to my collection – they’re beautiful, and I am looking forward to spending time with them.


These really do bee beautiful. :eyes:

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My new mobile Powerhouse the iDSD Signature:


Is this the replacement for the iFi Micro BL but with 4.4mm balanced instead of the 3.5mm on the BL?

According to my dealer, the signature model may only be a special model that is limited in time.

According to him, there will be an official successor to the micro black label sometime in the coming year, but everything is subject to change. ( Please take grain of salt )

I can only say about this special model that it sounds fantastic.

As a rule, I always test a new amplifire first with the DT880 600 ohm and the Sennheiser HD800S and these give me a first-class response in terms of tonality, purity and power, stage presentation, imaging and depth.
In my opinion, the Micro Signature is a more than full-fledged solution both in the mobile area and as a desktop amp.

Somehow typical for ifi Audio, so far none of the devices I own from this company have ever disappointed me!


Sorry, yes 4.4mm connector is available!


OMG these are amazeballs!!