Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

I didn’t know there were two different wood types. I might end up with both.

One thing to point out is that the all wood, teal 3DT appears to have an extended 2 pin connector. So the normal 2 pin cables will not work. I prefer recessed, but I do love that stabilized wood texture! lol

Resolution = kid in a candy store looking at those pictures…


It’s JP version. I only have acess to that one tho.

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The Tea fit me much better. It isn’t the shell size that is the issue, I believe it is the angle in which the nozzle enters the ear.

I could take a shot if you want a comparison vs the Variations shell?

Ah! Thank you. I prefer the stabilized wood look but I would rather have the recessed 2 pin. Either way, they are both beautiful.

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Take all the time you need no rush.

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When you have the time. In case I fall for this trap :stuck_out_tongue: Variations is my maximum.

Oh yeah, it’s considerably larger! lol OH my! Photo coming.


The XBA-N3?
Its still available actually

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Lol :joy::joy:

Cute kid!

Thank you for the info, but I don’t think it is an issue. I can ask XINHS HIFI Audio Store to make a custom cable for them if I need to replace the cable which I do sometimes if the original cable is bad.

Tbh, I am just craving to try something special from unique melody.

And I think will start with the 3DT

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Are there any differences between them? Other than the colors?

I have no idea, came across it by chance. Oh and regarding cables, lots of people saying 3DT cable is bad, but Resolution can enlight us more about it

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Remember, HBB still has a trump card…

Did you found out if you were right about it?

Nah, he said I was wrong :pensive:
Still, I will find it… Let the treasure hunt begin.

That’s the one. I couldn’t find a way to order it a while ago. I thought it was discontinued. It’s supposed to have the best timbre with BA’s right?

Yes, its the benchmark for timbre and coherency out of the hybrids I have.

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That sounds perfectly reasonable and a great means of entry into a company on the cutting edge of this hobby and my personal favorite. Go for it. I hope you love them! :slight_smile:

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That shell…

I’m out, sorry. No troll.

UGH. I immediately removed the cable but not before I realized the ear hooks stay in place how ever you bend them somehow.

OK. I have nothing coming up so I’ll put it on the list. Thanks again master! :slight_smile:

What shell u are talking about?

U scaring me lol.

Look up. Resolution just posted a photo. And that’s hugggeeeeeeeee