Which $200-$300~ IEM to get?

If you are using a sensitive iem, yes. (multi-BAs are a big offender.)

But not all iems are sensitive and in most cases, they wont have any differences at all.

Lower resistance is seen as higher quality, but for a sensitive iem that will have FR changes it depends on how it responds to it. Some will have less treble at lower resistances, some completely the opposite.


Thank you for your explanation :pray:


I’m starting to think about MK2! But the game will end and it won’t be so interesting, or maybe it won’t end … :wink:

Im not buying mk2. Fuck that iem. Sucks.

I wont buy it.


Yes. Do not. There are many more IEMs to try :))))

Try both versions…


Lol there are JP, and international versions!

What are the differences between them? 🤦

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On mest or?

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Yeah the MEST🥴

They mentioned the color, 2pin socket, Dual vent, and the nozzles are different from the international version. :thinking:


I found something on Head Fi

Yeah, JP is slight better quality of life and fits better I think. Keep in mind that’s about the Mest OG or Mk1.

I don’t know much about Mest OG. I demoed Mest OG and Mk2, didn’t found much difference, but I’m still geting Mk2 prolly.

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Among so many reasons I won’t go into because I’ll write a book, I personally feel what they are doing and what they have been doing is complete highway robbery. $1,1000.00 for this? And an army of sheep followers???


Thank you for your explanation :pray:

So there is no Mest mkii Japanese version? Only one version?

I am only asking cuz it is my next IEM.

XINHS is #1 in my book. I don’t think I will buy anything else now until I talk to him and even have him make custom stuff for me. HIs prices and quality are unmatched.


Can’t argue with that🤗

It is my fault tbh I should ask him before I purchased the 8 Cores.

Hey! I love his 8 core heavy cables! I’m offended! :crazy_face:

I have a few 8 core graphene cables for some of my IEMs but in general I do prefer the 4 core graphene more. They seem to be the perfect weight and flexibility for what I want.

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I think for Mk2 there’s only International or Custom. Don’t worry about it :slight_smile:

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Lol :joy::joy::joy:

I am happy you like the 8 Cores for IEMs

I said that it is maybe good for Full size headphones IMO

I apologize for that :woozy_face:

Thsnk you :hugs:

Ha ha. No apologies necessary. We’re having some fun. Some people like heavy cables and others prefer light cables.

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Just got into a bad mood. Seems that Sonion Ests are on a shortage, Souer has no Stock for EJ07m. Now it’s 50/50 if I’ll get mine or not…

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